Reroll One's Life {8}

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     I don't particularly enjoy school.

     I've likely said it before, but I used to miss quite a lot of it in elementary.

     In the hospital, I'd often do flash cards to memorize what I had missed.

     I don't really remember what caused my illness.

     Though, I do know it's not necessarily a disease.

     It's something caused by being overworked.

     I doubt I was overworked as a child.

     Mizuki always seemed concerned about the lessons from my father in the hospital.

     Whenever I'd leave it, I'd typically be practicing the piano or violin at home.

     I'd also go to school and, occasionally, the arcade. It was mostly classical music lessons, though.

     I've grown to be disgusted by it.
bro are you coming to school

why are you so eager to get there
you never see

I wanna do the test then GET TO THE ARCADE
sadly Akito isn't gonna be able to go with us
I know you loverrereeeee him soooiioo muchhh

I hate you
but ok
doesn't really matter to me

he said he was going later though
idk when
cause neither of us said the time LMAO

im just getting dressed

I'll be outside the gates
with An
maybe Akito'll come too idk


my friend
and Akito's singing partner
almost sure she's been mentioned before

just give me thirty minutes

The blue haired boy slammed his closet door open, roughly grabbing his school uniform. He sighed, still tired, feeling as though he were going to vomit. He put on the uniform, rushing out of his room and leaving his house, not wanting to encounter his father, only wanting to escape him and the building of which had trapped him for years. He began sprinting towards the school, his body forcing him to use the little energy he held, forcing him to run until he became exhausted, until the nausea would expand into something bigger.

He paused midway, leaning against a fence, panting. He yawned, his body shaking as he fell to the ground, his vision blurring as he shut his eyes, his breath becoming heavy. He lifted his body, forcing himself to carry onwards, to go back to the place he once dreaded walking to. A living hell designed specifically for him, just so he would never be satisfied with what he would do, as though it were a pool of water he was drowning in, a desert he would forever be unable to escape.

"Hm? There's that place here, too?" He looked at the building in front of him, the one he had once went to with Mizuki and Akito, Miori's Pancakes. He smiled slightly, running past it, only wanting to get the school day over with.
{TOYA POV again}
Mizuki. Oh, there she is. I've always wondered why they never wear their uniform properly, it's not necessarily an issue, but it's a thought that's come across my mind often. I suppose it's better to enjoy yourself in school than skipping it, though with how often they do, I doubt it's really a valid sentence.

EDITOR | Akitoya ( Project Sekai )Where stories live. Discover now