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"Well, if it isn't Joel Miller. The absolute last person I'd expect to see after the end of the world."

Joel looked up, still recovering from the attack. He'd recognize the sweet sound of her voice anywhere, even if it was thirty years and an apocalypse later.

"Well, if you were tryin' to leave Boston without makin' a scene, you sure as hell failed." The woman said as she helped Joel to his feet.

Joel felt like he was seeing a ghost. He stood, frozen, at a loss for words, shots still ringing out all around him.

"Joel, a little help?" Hollered Tess from across the street. She still had a few infected heading towards her, and as brave as she seemed, Tess wouldn't be able to take them herself.

Get it together, Joel, he thought to himself as he ran over to help. The snow was falling faster every second, and if they were to leave town that night as they planned, they'd have to make their exit quickly.

After finishing off their mutant attackers, Joel and Tess headed towards the huge tree that resided outside of the QZ to regroup before they took off on their mission. They took a seat under the tree, and began pulling out maps and food ration packets.

Hesitant to bring it up, Tess wondered who the girl was that shook Joel up so bad. Eventually, curiosity got the better of her.

"Who was that girl?"

Joel didn't do as much as flinch, maintaining his steady gaze across the horizon.

'Oh. Sensitive I see. Anyways, if we head west..." Tess continued on, changing the subject. Whoever it was, Joel was not interested in sharing.

Just then, a figure emerged in front of the pair. Instinctively, they both pulled their guns, but lowered them when they realized who it was.

"I'm Caroline Hawkins." The figure reached down to shake Tess' hand. "I'm sure Joel didn't explain who I was, so I figured I might as well introduce myself."

"Joel, care to explain?" Tess looked over at Joel, shooting him a quizzical look, truly and utterly confused.

"Joel and I used to be friends." Caroline said, letting out a short chuckle.

"Joel?" Tess said once again, sharply. She needed to break him out of this wordless trance he was in and get some answers.

Still staring out at the horizon, the only thought still circulating in his head was "Damn, her eyes are still so blue."

|Never Let Me Down Again||Joel Miller|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt