Chapter Ten

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"Well, let's hear it." Tess sighed as she took a seat next to Joel on the bench. A few weeks ago, Tess and Joel had made a bonfire pit outside of the grocery store. Now all day Caroline and Joel had sat out there, devising a plan of how to break into a FEDRA warehouse and steal their guns. The pair had come out here when the sun had still hung high in the sky. Now, the only light illuminating their surroundings was being emitted from the fire that they all gathered around. Tess had recently joined them, prepared to hear their master plan.

"Phase one: Entrance." Caroline said, putting her hands in the air as if giving a presentation and using her most dramatic voice possible.

"Is this a joke to you?" Tess interrupted.

"No, of course not." She responded, annoyed that she hadn't even been talking for a second and Tess found a way to interrupt her.

"These FEDRA warehouses are nothing but holding centers for supplies needed inside of the QZs. Inside, there are mostly just pallets of things like guns and food rations."

Caroline looked at Tess, who was wearing a slightly intrigued expression. It was hard to tell around the shadows cast across her face from the fire.

"There are shipments in and out of these warehouses once every three to four days. We all can camp outside popular roads in the area surrounding the warehouse and wait until we see a truck. When they make a stop, we attack. We take out all of the FEDRA officers who are inside of the truck, and head to the warehouse. Once we're in, we steal the guns, head out, and go down to Georgia." Caroline took a breath, slightly terrified of what was about to come out of Tess' mouth.

"I've got some questions." Tess said.

"Hit us." Joel responded, leaning into the conversation.

"How do we know what a FEDRA truck looks like?"

"We don't." Caroline sighed. She didn't already like that Tess was blowing holes through her plans. "If it's an unmarked truck, it's likely to be a FEDRA owned vehicle."

"What warehouse are we going to be breaking into?"

"There's one about twenty miles from here. They're usually close to QZ's."

"How will we know where the warehouse is once we get into the truck?"

"Leave that part to me." Caroline responded.

"And another question for you, Caroline. How the hell do you know this much about FEDRA?"

"That's a question that I'm not going to answer." She knew that this question was coming, and it's not one that she was willing to answer just quite yet.

"I swear to god, Caroline." Tess growled as she stood up and walked towards Caroline. "If you're a rat, I will kill you." She whipped out a pocket knife and held it close to Caroline's face.

Joel sat there, slightly entertained, just wondering what was going to happen next.

Caroline flicked the knife out of her face. "I'm not a rat." She said, calmly.

"Sure as hell hope you aren't." Tess muttered as she sat back down on the bench.

"Caroline and I decided that we should act quick in case anything doesn't go our way." Joel added, helping clear the tension surrounding them. "We should leave tomorrow at sunrise and scope out where the trucks might be driving."

"Agreed." Tess responded.

"Now here's where we'd like your input, Tess." Caroline said. "How should we divide ourselves?"

"I can go on my own. You and Joel can go wherever. You two see like you need some alone time, anyways."

"Tess, what the hell is your problem?" Joel asked.

"I don't have a problem, Joel."

"Then stop acting like it."

"I just might not fully believe some of the things she's tellin' us." Tess said, motioning towards Caroline. "I don't like her."

"Well if it weren't for her, then we wouldn't have any of this information."

"I'm going by myself." Tess said firmly after she realized that she didn't have a sound comeback for Joel's statement.

"You think you'll be ok out there?" Joel asked, concerned.

'I was fine "out there" before I met you, I'll be fine now too."

"Well it's settled then. Joel and I will move out first thing tomorrow morning. You can leave whenever you'd like. Joel said that you guys have communicators you can use? Make sure yours is charged up and ready to go." Caroline instructed.

"Don't tell me what to do." Tess said as she got up and left the fire.

"Well, Joel, I guess I'll see you in the morning." Caroline said as she got up off the bench and headed towards the store.

"Goodnight, Caroline."

"Goodnight, Joel."

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