Chapter One

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Jake and I had always been best friends as far as I could remember. However, something happened between us that completely blew my mind last Christmas Eve.
I had always spent almost every holiday with my best friend, Jake, and last Christmas Eve was no exception. We had our whole day planned out, and I couldn't wait to do all the fun things which we had planned last night over the phone. Jake was supposed to come to my house with snacks and beer. That Christmas was more exciting because my parents were out of town, and I had the whole house to myself. It was already 12 in the afternoon, and Jake was supposed to come within 11. He was late as usual. I waited for another 10 minutes and then went upstairs to my room. It was nothing new to me because I knew my best friend was not punctual. I was in my PJs, so I thought of dressing up nicely since it was Christmas. Rummaging through my cupboard, I decided on wearing a blue oversized hoodie with white joggers. I looked in the mirror to check whether I was looking presentable or not and to my utter surprise I was. I was looking nice, but I wanted to look nicer, so I thought of styling my hair. I combed my hair from the tips to the roots to build volume for an overall thicker look, that helped to fluff my locks.
"Dayum, you look good, Stewie." My narcissistic ass complimented me. It was not really narcissistic of me because it was okay to compliment myself once in a while.
Just when I was about to apply some perfume, I heard the doorbell ring. I hurried downstairs to open the door. Opening the door, I saw my best friend's mischievous smirk. I instantly understood he was definitely up to something. He came into my house by pushing me playfully.
"I brought something that you might like," he said, grinning from ear to ear. "And what is that 'something'?" I asked, tilting my head slightly. "Not here. Let's go upstairs to your room." Holding my hand, he dragged me to my room.
He sat on my bed and kept his backpack beside him. He then signalled me to sit beside him. Closing the door of my bedroom, I went near him. I was dying in anticipation. But then something embarrassing happened, and my clumsy ass was responsible for that. There was a carpet just beside my bed, and it was kind of torn. I didn't know when my foot got caught in carpet material, and I lost my balance because I was walking around a tear in the carpet. I closed my eyes because I knew that I was about to land on the bed with a thud. I didn't fall. Instead, I felt a strong pair of arms wrapped solidly around my torso. I opened my eyes and saw that I fell on top of my best friend, Jake, and he was wrapping his arms tightly around me. It felt weird because it was the first time we were this close. And, the way he was looking at me was making me more awkward. We did not say anything for a moment. I was obviously very embarrassed, so I didn't know what to say. I tried to move but couldn't because his big, muscular arms were holding me firmly in one place. I looked at his face, and he was looking worried.
"Stew, are you okay? What would have happened if I hadn't held you? Why are you so clumsy? Didn't I tell you to take care of yourself so many times?" He asked a series of questions, bringing me even closer.
A bright shade of red spread across my cheeks.I could feel that my breathing was erratic. I had never seen him that concerned before. I didn't know why it made me blush.
"I'm okay. I will be more careful from now on." I somehow managed to say those words.
"Good. Did you dress up today? You're looking good, especially your hair is looking so fluffy and nice," he said, giving me a smile.
"What happened to Jake? Is he in his right mind? I've never seen Jake compliment me like that, have I?" I questioned myself. Brushing those thoughts off my head, I said, "Yes, I did. Since when did a dumbass like you become a good observer? Thanks, anyways!"
"I've always been a good observer. You never noticed that." He replied.
"Whatever. Now, would you please loosen your grip around me? I can't move." I whined.
"Oh, sorry, did I hurt you by any chance, Stew?" He queried, looking genuinely worried.
"No you've not, but you will if you don't loosen your grip." I replied, smacking his chest.
"Okay okay, I'm setting you free. I'll miss being this close to you," he said dramatically, loosening his grip.
I straightened to my full length and told him to show me what was inside of his backpack. He opened the zipper of his backpack and put his hand inside it. He dramatically started taking out something. When he finally took out that mysterious thing, I stared goggle-eyed at that sumptuous thing. I couldn't believe my best friend would go to the extent of bringing a bottle of Jack Daniel's. Yes, I knew that we both turned 21 that year, and we both wanted to try booze, but still I never thought he'd bring a bottle of whiskey without telling me.
"Stop being so shocked. It's normal for adults to drink once in a while. Stop acting like a 16-year-old who's forced into drinking by their spoiled friends," he said, shrugging his shoulders.
"You didn't have to call me out like that. Anyways, do you wanna have lunch? It's already past 12:30," I asked.
"Sure. I'm very hungry. My stomach is growling. Let's rewatch a Marvel movie after lunch." He replied.
"We can watch Avengers: Endgame if you want. I don't think I'll ever get over that movie," I said in excitement.
He nodded in agreement and then we went downstairs. After having our lunch, we spent the whole afternoon on the couch playing FIFA. We were so engrossed in playing that we lost track of time. Looking at my watch, I noticed it was 6 in the evening, and we totally forgot to watch the movie.
"We've been playing FIFA all afternoon. We should take a break and watch the movie that we decided to watch," I said, keeping down the controller.
"How about some booze and movies?" Jake asked, winking at me.
I was still unsure about whether we should try booze or not, but finally I gave in. I went upstairs to my room to bring his backpack where the bottle of whiskey was. There was a small table in front of the couch, and I decided to keep the fancy whiskey glasses there. I told Jake to bring some ice cubes from the refrigerator. Setting up everything, Jake and I sat on the couch.
"Let me be your bartender today, Stew," Jake said, holding the bottle of whiskey.
I nodded in agreement because it was my first time trying booze. Pouring whiskey into two glasses, he added two ice cubes in each glass. I had some snacks at home, so I thought that we could have those with whiskey. Jake encouraged me to take a sip from my whiskey glass. I did what he said. The taste was weird. I thought it'd be sweet, but it was bitter. I didn't know what got into me, but I chugged down the whiskey which was left. My shoulders felt heavy, and I felt a bit drowsy. Jake was bewildered by the sight of me chugging down the whole glass of whiskey. He couldn't believe that I finished my first peg while he was still on it.
"Slow down, Stew. Why are you in a hurry? We've the whole night to ourselves," Jake said, finishing his first peg.
By the second peg, I started to feel warm all over my body especially my face. I ignored that feeling and chugged down two more glasses of alcohol. Jake told me to slow down, but I ignored his existence like he was not even there. It was a chilly day, and alcohol was helping me to feel warm, so I lost control before I knew it. Jake and I both were drinking alcohol for the first time. Unlike me, he didn't lose control. While I was on my fourth peg, he was still on his second. He was taking small sips, and mostly he told me to drink slowly. If I had listened to him, that incident wouldn't have happened.

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