Chapter Three

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"Jake, do you like me?"
He looked at me and smiled. I never thought someone could look that beautiful when they smiled. It was always so warm and endearing. I had always found his smile beautiful. Alcohol had no contribution to make me feel like that.
"If I say I like you then would you like me back?" Jake chuckled.
"I.... I mean," I hesitated, not knowing what to say in response.
"It's okay, Stew. You don't have to answer me now. Are you done with the questions? If you are then shall we sleep now?" He laid next to me, running his fingers through my hair.
Facing him, I snuggled up to him. I was in his arms and at that time, nothing felt better than that. I didn't know when I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. I woke up to the sound of the birds chirping outside my window. I struggled to open my eyes because my head was feeling heavy. I was feeling like someone was hitting me in the head with a hammer. I massaged my temples to get rid of that feeling. Closing my eyes, I tried to sleep. The rude rays of the sun that was barging in through the window didn't let me sleep. I thought I could sleep if I changed my sleeping position, so I tried to move to the other side, but I couldn't because a strong pair of arms was wrapped around my torso. Then the realisation hit me. I kissed my best friend last night. We almost made out. I was going crazy.  How could I kiss my best friend? But, I wasn't the only one who kissed him, he kissed me back. I wasn't the only one who was craving for his touch , he wanted to touch me, too. The lust in his eyes was clearly visible. I also remembered asking him whether he liked me or not. Facepalming myself, I tried to remember again and again whether it really happened or it was all a dream.
"What time is it? Why are you awake, Stew?" The person who was sleeping right beside me not more than a minute ago asked me in his sleepy voice.
"Damn, his voice sounds so sexy and raspy in the morning. Stewie, I'll slap you hard if you think like that about your best friend," I warned myself.
"Are you hungover?" He asked again, breaking me out of my trance.
In a swift motion, he grabbed my waist and turned me around to face him. He looked at me for a couple of seconds before he spoke again.
"Stewie, can you answer me for God's sake?" He asked, sounding genuinely worried.
"I-i am okay. I've a headache, that's all," I answered, smiling awkwardly.
"Okay, good to hear that. You should sleep more. I'll take a shower first," he said, smiling kindly.
I hummed in response. The moment he got out of bed, my jaw dropped to the floor. He was shirtless. I really couldn't understand why he was shirtless at 7 in the morning. It was bitter cold outside because what else could you expect from the chilly December months. Jake yawned, scratching his head as he stretched his body. The muscles on his arms flexed, and I lost it there. I tried to distract myself, but I couldn't stop my treacherous eyes from shamelessly scanning him from head to toe.
"Why don't you wear a t-shirt or something? Aren't you cold?" I asked, looking anywhere but him.
"I'll take a shower in a few minutes, so if I wear it now, I'll have to take it off anyways. So, what's the point of wearing one?" He shot his head in my direction, shrugging his shoulders.
"Oh.... okay. You're right. I don't want you to catch a cold, so go take a shower as soon as possible," I said.
"Hahaha yes, looks like someone cares about me," he said, winking at me.
"Just go, Jake. You talk a lot," I scoffed.
He made his way to the washroom. Getting out of my bed, I opened the windows. I felt a sudden gust of wind which made my teeth chatter. Although, I was wearing my hoodie but the chilly winds were not doing me any good. It was probably the coldest day of the winter season. I spared no time to close the windows because I couldn't bear the cold. While closing the windows, the sudden thought of how I kissed my best friend crossed my mind. I tried hard to brush it off  my mind but couldn't. I decided to talk to Jake after he came out from the washroom.
"Stew, could you do me a favour, please?" Jake shouted from the washroom.
"Yeah, what?" I shouted back.
"Could you please bring me the towel? I forgot to bring it with me. It's on the comforter. Thank you" He requested.
I found the towel lying on the bed. Wasting no time, I grabbed onto the towel and made my way to the washroom.
"Jake, I brought your towel. Open the door," I said.
"Jesus Christ, ahhh, I can't see properly. Stew, quickly come inside. The shampoo went into my eyes," Jake fake cried.
"Sweet baby Jesus! Jake? Why the fuck are you naked?" I screamed upon entering the washroom.
I couldn't explain the way my jaw dropped to the floor when I saw him like that. Naked. The man standing in front of me was huge. Insanely huge. His muscles were visibly defined, with prominent veins running through them, particularly in his arms and legs.The veins in his arms stood out in stark relief, tracing a network of blue lines over his taut skin. He was looking like one of those men straight out from the ancient Greek fantasies, a herculean figure of immense strength, and his body a marvel of rippling muscles and sinewy grace. His huge arms hung like menacing weapons from his sloping shoulders. His back had the texture of a bag full of angry snakes.The legs were equally impressive, with well-defined quads and calves that seemed to go on forever. I tried to avoid his long, thick, and veiny shaft hanging softly over a heavy pair of spotted balls.
"Stew, I know that I'm hot, and I'll let you check me out after you help me. My eyes are stinging so bad," he was pleading like a wet puppy.
"Who was checking you out? Stop being so delusional. Hold my hand so that I can lead you to the sink and flush your eyes with cold water," I stated, clearing my throat.
Leading him to the sink, I helped him to flush his eyes with cold water. He rubbed his eyes in order to get rid of that irritation. I held both of his hands and stopped him from rubbing his eyes because I didn't want his eyes to turn red. After a few minutes, he started to feel better. He slowly opened his eyes.
"Thank you for helping me, Stew! You're the best best friend," he said, his eyes were all teary and red.
"Best friend? What the fuck? Did he already forget how he kissed me last night? Who the fuck kisses his best friend like that?" I questioned myself.
I tried to calm myself down. I made myself understand that we were not a thing, and he didn't do anything wrong by calling me his best friend because I was actually his best friend.
"You don't have to be so formal with me. Glad to be of help," I finally replied after battling with my inner self for a good few minutes.
The next minute I found myself being enveloped in a bear hug. His hug was gentle yet firm, his biceps bulging as he lifted me off the ground.
"Oh, my God, Jake, are you for real? Thanks for picking me up, but I think I'd prefer to be on the ground now. So please, put me down," I whined.
"Your wish is my command, sir." He said, putting me down.
When he was putting me down, my hands came in contact with his six-pack abs, which seemed to be made of steel. His body was nothing but a work of art. I wanted to touch him more, and I absolutely hated to admit that. I was lost in my thoughts when I noticed that Jake leaned in dangerously close. I could feel his breath warm on my skin. I was totally clueless about why he was that close to me. I thought he was going to kiss me again. Closing my eyes, I waited for him to kiss me. I waited for a good two minutes, but he didn't kiss me. I looked at him over my shoulder. To my utter shock, I found him closing the sink tap. I was a bozo to think that he'd kiss me. Something was definitely wrong with me. I thought I was hungover and that's why, I was thinking about those unholy things.
"I think you're okay now. I'll go outside now. Don't take forever to come out of the washroom. I've something important to discuss with you." Saying that, I went outside the washroom.
I was still in yesterday's clothes, so I decided to change into something nice. I rummaged through my closet until I found the perfect outfit, a combination of sleek black cargo pants and a grey hoodie. Styling my hair nicely, I put on some lipbalm.
"What do you wanna discuss, Stew?" Jake asked, wrapping the towel around his head.
"I want to talk about last night." I said, looking down.
"I'm all ears."
"Don't you think we should talk about what we did last night?'
"I don't think there's anything to talk about. Moreover, I got a text from my mother. She wants me to run some errands for her. I think I should get going. I will text you after I get back home."

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