Chapter Six

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I should have realized how daring Jake could be before granting him permission to pursue me.
Opening the door with a loud thud, he barged into my aunt's house. Everyone's eyes were on him at first because they suspected him for a delinquent, but when they saw him holding my hand, they stared at us goggle-eyed. Thank God, my aunt, who was also my dad's sister and the host of the party was there. She knew that Jake was my best friend and managed to convince everyone that we were like brothers. Poor aunt didn't even have the slightest idea that I just allowed my best friend to pursue me, and the whole incident happened right outside her house. Later that evening, Jake made my heart flutter again. I never knew he was full of surprises. My aunt's house was huge. She was the type of woman who threw a party for every occasion. She even had a dedicated dance floor because my aunt was very passionate about dancing. She used to dance and made everyone around her dance at every party. That evening was no different. At first, everyone was dancing to those typical hip-hop songs. I was not that good at dancing, so I preferred vibing to the music. Jake also stayed with me the entire time. But then, someone requested to play romantic songs, and boom, Jake got an idea. Smirking at me, Jake scooted closer to me. He leaned and put his chin on my shoulder. I could sense the flush creeping up my cheeks and reddening my ears. His hands travelled from my waist to my other shoulder slowly. The way he touched me sent me shivers down my spine. I couldn't think straight.
"Stewie Evans," he began, his eyes melting mine,
"Would you do me the honor of sharing a dance with me tonight? It would mean the world to me, and I promise it'll be a dance to remember."
I couldn't help but turn redder than the brightest shade of red after what he said. I knew that was coming but it was about the way he said my name. It was new. Maybe it was all in my head. I was thinking in circles, and it was all because of the huge man who was seated next to me. I had a feeling that, even if I initially refused, he would find a way to make me agree eventually, so I gave in and agreed to dance with him.
In a dimly lit room, the soft strains of music enveloped us as we went together on the dance floor. Our eyes locked, and an unspoken connection sparked between us. Initially, my movements were hesitant because of the people around us but with each passing song, our dance became more passionate and expressive. Our hands met and intertwined, fingers gently caressing as we moved closer, our movements becoming increasingly intimate. It felt like the world around us faded away, leaving only the two of us lost in the dance of our hearts. Each step, each twirl, and each dip spoke of a new feeling that had blossomed between us, a feeling that defied convention and prejudice. I couldn't help but notice his caramel brown eyes, which managed to gleam even under those dim lights. Suddenly, he stopped dancing and pulled me as close as he could to him. I was looking so petite in front of his tall stature. Planting a kiss on my forehead, he gazed deep into my eyes.
"You're so pretty, Stewie. I often don't find the right amount of words to describe how precious you are to me. I just want to adore you and always keep you with me . Why do I feel like this around you? It's as if I'm under some spell," he said, gently caressing my face.
He called me pretty, but in reality, it was I who  had never encountered someone as pretty as him. I liked the way he held me close against his chest. I wanted him to touch me more. I couldn't define the reason for my feelings. I wanted to spend some alone time with him.
"Jake," I said, clearing my throat, "Would you like to go somewhere else? What about the roof? We can gaze at the stars together. The sky is quite clear today."
He was dumbstruck for a moment, smiling from ear to ear as he pinched my cheeks.
"Awww, you're so romantic, aren't you? And, didn't you tell me that you wanted to go stargazing with your partner?" He queried in a playful tone.
I couldn't argue because he was right. Absolutely right. I had always wanted to go stargazing with my partner. It was something that I always thought about doing only with my partner. Then why did I ask him to go stargazing with me? He wasn't my partner. Yeah, I gave him a chance to pursue me, but that didn't mean he was my partner. I was still unsure about my feelings. He had always been my best friend, so I was confused whether it was just attachment or love.
"What are you thinking? Don't you wanna go stargazing, baby?" He asked politely.
''Did he just call me 'baby'? Did I hear that right?" Inside my head, my thoughts raced.
A soft blush crept up my cheeks as Jake referred to me as 'baby,' making it difficult to maintain eye contact. Regaining my composure, I nodded.
I somehow managed to sneak out with Jake. I was so glad that no one noticed us. Holding his hand, I took him to the roof. The night sky was so beautiful and tranquil that day. Under the canvas of the vast night sky, we sat next to each other. It was a cold winter night and a cool breeze was blowing. It played with Jake's hair, and I couldn't help but steal a quick glance at him. It felt as if the cool breeze was a paid actor that night. The way it played with his soft, fluffy hair made him look more beautiful. He caught my gaze and smiled, a faint blush coloring his cheeks.
"Stew, look at all those beautiful stars," his voice soft with wonder.
I nodded, my gaze now fixed on the twinkling celestial bodies above.
"It's amazing how many there are when you really stop and look. Jake, do you know something?"
Looking at me, he waited for my response.
"You feel like home. I can be myself around you. I don't have to pretend or anything. I love spending every moment with you," saying that, I pointed at the twinkling stars.
I could say that he was shy by looking at his ears. They were looking so red just like cherries. We scooted closer to each other and began picking out the constellations together.
"That one looks like a swan," I said, pointing at a cluster of stars.
"And over there, I see a unicorn," Jake laughed softly.
Our fingers brushed lightly as we reached for the same star, sending a jolt of electricity through both of us.
"Have you also heard that when we make a  wish upon a star, it might just come true?" He asked, tilting his head.
Under the fluorescent light of the moon, the brown in his eyes gleamed, illuminating the surroundings and snatching all my attention.
I turned my head to look at him, my eyes eyeing his face in an appreciative way.
"Really?" I answered, my heart pounding against my chest.
"Would you like to try?" He asked, winking at me.
Ignoring his flirtatious wink, I nodded. We gazed skyward, our fingers brushing as we made a silent wish, a plea to the cosmos to extend that fleeting night. Our hearts had yearned for the stars to linger a little longer, allowing us to bask in their ethereal glow and the enchantment of each other's presence. The constellations above seemed to twinkle knowingly, as if they were granting our unspoken desire. With every passing moment, we wished for time to stretch, for dawn to be postponed, and for the magic of that night to endure.
"Stew, whenever I look at the stars, I can't help but think of you. Even stars don't stand anywhere near you. You're so ethereal that you outshine the stars," he said, his fingers playing with mine.
"Jake, I'm not that beautiful. Stars are way beautiful than me. Stop exaggerating. Look at you, and then look at me. I'm no match for you. I've only dated once in my life, and she left me for someone else. She said she found someone better than me. I am easily replaceable. You're so popular. Girls are dying to be with you. Maybe, you're feeling this way because I haven't accepted your proposal yet. You might feel differently if we ever start dating. Jake, I take these things very seriously. I'm not into flirting; I want to love and be loved. I don't want to get hurt," I smiled, my voice cracking.
As I sat there, my voice quivering with vulnerability, I could see the concern in Jake's eyes. Without a word, he gently turned my head towards him, his touch tender and reassuring. His warm hands cupped my cheeks, and in that moment, the world seemed to fade away.
"I'm here for you, no matter what. You're not replaceable. You can never be replaceable to me, atleast. I've always had my eyes for you. I've never loved anyone but you. Also, no one is as beautiful as you in my eyes," Jake said, leaning in.
Tears ran down my cheeks because no one had ever said anything like that to me. He was the first one. Wiping my tears gently, he brushed his lips against mine. The anticipation hung heavy in the air as our faces drew closer, our breaths mingling in a shared moment of intimacy. And then it happened. Jake's lips, soft and gentle, met mine. It was a kiss filled with a mixture of comfort and passion, a silent promise of understanding and support.  As our lips danced together, time lost all meaning. Each second stretched into eternity, and the world around us ceased to exist.  In that instant, I felt a rush of emotions—security, desire, and a sense of being truly cherished.
"Jake, Stewie, are you guys there?" I heard my mom's footsteps approaching the roof. At that moment, I knew I was doomed. I was so lost in the moment that I lost track of time.

A/N: Hi, y'all! How are you all doing? This chapter is the longest one yet, and it took me a while to finish this chapter because I had difficulty deciding what to include and what to leave out. Thank you for being so patient with me! I'll try to update the next chapter as soon as I can. Take care until then❤️

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