Chapter 3

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"We attack tomorrow" Alaric bellowed in the private camp with his king and commanders, laying out the plan of action, marking the army sights, and debating the strategies.

Expectantly, the Parley had proven to be failure. None of the countries had an predilection for peace. Both wanted a battle for a display of power, and battle would just be what they receive.

King Derek was awed by Alaric's full proof strategies. Their little tour to the Theola had proven to be fruitful since Alaric came in the possession of real-time architectural defaults in Theola's design of protection.

Alaric had decided to exploit the exact sensitive locations to distort their army with lesser manpower and resources.

The estimated time of the war was a week. Theola sung the songs of unity and prayed to their gods for strength, while Azeroths practiced their skills and strategies till they could not longer forget their resolution. The army of Azeroth was thoroughly educated with the expected circumstances on the night before battle. Alaric was certain that in such a short time, none of his strategies would leak into Theola even if there happened to be a traitor on his side. He knew Theola did not lack in neither manpower, nor technology, they lacked in plan, something that Azeroth spent their days and nights on.

The cruciality and perfect timing of execution brought the war of seven days to an end by the middle of fifth day. No soldier in Alaric's one meter vicinity could survive his great sword. He twisted, and slung and thrusted it with earned mastery. It was impossible not to take last breath in his proximity, especially when he made sure that it was only the last breath a soldier would inhale in his arms. Not second last, not third last, but last, the very last. He made the death rapid for his enemies. They did not deserve torture. However the woman who did, was in all likelihood sitting in her prodigious castle, seeping on her tea while watching the war unfold from her balcony.

It was hard to admit but the images of rebel woman kept flashing in his mind, sitting on her knees while caressing the flowers, reminding him that at the end of this painful, meaningless war, she would be waiting for him, with her hands tied to the bed and her legs spread open. He wondered what rebellious structure of words would she have to offer then, as he would pound inside her tight virgin pussy.

As distracting as the fantasy would be, it helped pumping adrenalin to his blood, kicking him into monstrous action. 

"It would be a shame-" he thought, "-if she died before I fetched her myself". 

At least until he was done with her, he wanted her alive. Enough that she could feel him fucking her brains out before he could properly end her life, naked and well-pleasured.

It was the core reason why his soldiers strictly adhered to "no-killing-women" protocol. He could afford no chances with her. She could kill as many as his men as she wished, but no one could hurt her. She was his fish to be hauled, his rose to be sniffed, his possession to be ruined.

The war ended when he separated the King of Theola's head from the rest of his body, sending his entire remaining army into frenzy. As much as hard it was to believe, the impregnable kingdom of Theola had been defeated by Azeroth.

Alaric Hades displayed no joy of victory when he presented dead king's head to King Derek. Unlike his invaluable gem, Derek thundered in delight, bellowing his joy into the damp air of Theola. So did his army when they entered the gates of Theola's castle, watching laymen sprinting across the streets like orphaned wild animals.

Soldiers immediately began imprisoning royal members and servants. It was about time that all weapon-less dangers were incarcerated in the dungeons, that no one worth a threat escaped Azeroth's clutches. The castle was surrounded, boundaries were secured. Those escaping were chained and dragged back to the lower floors of castle, where only darkness thrived the most after rats and dirt.

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