Chapter Five~Love Sick

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Patrick Jane

I drop the last of the glass into the bin and close the lid. It's early in the morning and Lisbon's tucked up warmly in bed, fast asleep. I'd managed to scoop her up off the kitchen floor and take her through to her room. I'd made sure her alarm was silenced and her curtains were closed. I don't know what happened to her last night, but I don't want to find out. She stayed more or less conscious through the whole thing, but whether she was alert enough to recall any of it this morning is another situation.

I make myself comfy on my temporary bed, the couch, in Lisbon's living room. It was adequate and I got enough sleep, so no complaints off me. I decide to busy myself with some of the Red John files Lisbon's got while I wait for her to wake up.

It doesn't take long though. She's soon plodding in looking decidedly adorable with her bed hair and sleepy look. She sees me and freezes, a bit surprised, then makes her way towards the space next to me. She lazily plonks down and tucks her legs beneath her.

'How are you today?' I ask.

'Bleh...' She peers up at me through big eyes.

'Oh dear... How about a drink?'

'No... I'm okay.'

'What about my speciality tea?'

She quirks an eyebrow and I leave before she has chance to turn down the offer.

I bring in two mugs of tea and give one to her. As she takes it her hand brushes against mine and it must have almost left a burn mark. I drop the matter and hope it's just the outcome of being tucked up in bed, but I'll keep an eye on her. She sits there and holds the mug but doesn't once drink from it. When she sees that I'm watching her and that I've cottoned on to the fact she hasn't drunk any she takes a daring sip. It looks as though it pains her to swallow it but she does. She begins to look a bit clammy and pale.

'Are you oka-'

She drops the mug onto the coffee table and rushes off to a room, slamming the door behind her. I get up to go and investigate and as I get closer I can hear the not so beautiful sound of her vomiting. I knock on the door she disappeared behind and peep in. She stays leaning over the toilet and seems to be struggling.

I walk over trying not to look at the contents she's just spewed. She folds her arms and rests her head on them, looking down at the ground. She then bolts upright and she begins again. I gently pull back her hair from her face and hold it in my hand. I use the other one to rub soothing circles on her back.

'It's okay...' I mutter over and over.

After a bit she sits up rather than being hunched over and she looks washed out. I let go of her brunette locks and I too straighten up although I stay close behind her just incase my hands are needed as a temporary fasten again. She seems weak and tired, as would anyone who had been through this ordeal. She uses my legs as support and she leans into them slightly. I don't understand what she threw up as she hasn't been eating much, if at all, for the past few days.

After a few minutes of no action I move my legs away slowly so that she doesn't tumble backwards and flush the chain. I carefully help her move so she's leaning against the side of the bath and tell her I'll be right back.

I enter her bedroom and pull the duvet cover back ready for her to get in. I then find a pair of pyjamas and a dressing gown along with some socks. I take them in to her and leave her to get changed whilst I go in search of a bowl or bucket, incase she can't reach the toilet in time. I find one under the sink in the kitchen and take it through to her bedside then wait for her to finish getting dressed. I knock just to make sure she hasn't fainted or something but she gives a reply. After a moment or two the door opens and she's stood there looking so ill bless her.

'Look at you...' I say pityingly. 'Don't you look sweet? Panda pyjamas never worked on me.'

That brings a wobbly smile to her face but it's gone no sooner than it had came. I lead her through to her bedroom and she climbs into bed. I wait for her to get comfy then pull the covers over her, tucking her in nicely. I sit on the edge of the bed and watch her.

'Will you be okay in here for a bit?'

She nods and I walk towards the door.

'Jane...' She mumbles. I turn around to face her. 'You don't have to stay... I'll be right as rain in a minute.'

'It's okay Lisbon... I don't mind... And don't you worry about work, I've got that covered.'

I take one last look around the room and then quietly shut the door behind me. She needs bed rest and sleep. She doesn't sleep a lot and when she has the chance to she normally gets out of it. Lisbon worries far too much about others than she does herself. She's always the one to hand out the love and never receive it... But I'm going to change all that.

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