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I was lying on my back on the grass. Slowly, I bent my knees, keeping my feet flat.

"Good, now cross your arms in front of your chest," Julia said.

She was helping me do the crunches and I was beyond exhausted. That was the fourth time I tried, but nothing was happening because it was such a strenuous task. Imagine you want to eat food, but your throat is blocked...

"Lift your shoulders using your abdominal muscles—"

"I can't do it, Julia."

"Lizzie! It's enough. If you say I can't one more time, I'll make you do these fifty times," she hissed.

"Fine," I sighed.

"Good, now exhale and contract your abs as you go up."

I lifted my back off the ground. When I managed to get my shoulders off the ground as well, Julia placed her hands on my back to help me out. Inhaling, I eased back down slowly. Julia helped me do the same thing five more times and finally, we stopped to avoid me getting any back strains.

 I stood up and dusted my sweatpants. Everyone was almost done with their crunches. 

Some didn't need trainers' help, but some people like me, did require it.

I saw Olive, making her way towards me.

"I want to develop my abs faster," she smiled.

"This is so torturous," I muttered under my breath.

Unlike Olive, I didn't want abs. How funny I would look! I couldn't even imagine that.

"Look here everyone," Mark shouted.

There was a green hula-hoop in his hand. Oh no. 

That's such a childish thing. Only five-year olds play with that ring.

"Hula hooping is not only a great way to have fun, but it's a great workout for your abs," John said.

The trainers distributed the hula-hoops among us and I wasn't even a bit excited about this activity because I practically sucked at everything.

Christine stepped forward. She was wearing a tight-fitted white shirt and black sweatpants. She gave us a demo on how to use that ring and I watched carefully because I wanted to do this thing right. I mean, if five-year-old children can do that, then Lizzie could too.

I put my hula-hoop on the ground and stepped inside it. Reaching down, I grabbed the edges of the hoop and as shown by Christine, I brought the hoop up to my waist level. I gripped it firmly, relaxing it on one side of my torso. My hands were getting a bit slippery due to sweat.

Spinning the hoop, I moved my waist in a circular motion, but the hoop slipped and fell down. I picked it up again and tried again, but in vain. The third time too, it fell down on the ground. 

I cursed under my breath.

Someone started laughing hysterically and I turned my head in his direction. He looked pale and his curly blonde hair was in a mess. As he laughed at me, his belly vibrated in the process.

He pointed his index finger at me while laughing loudly.

"What's your problem, King Kong?" Olive yelled at him.

At once, he stopped laughing and adjusted his rolled up T-shirt. He glared at us both, clearly not happy with Olive's comment. 

At that point of time, most people had dropped their hoops, not wanting to miss the fight.

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