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The rain continued as Xena and Ephany searched for somewhere to take cover from the down pour. Cold, wet and tired Xena made an annoyed groan when her boot got stuck in the mud for the unknown numbered time. With a little more effort she got her foot free and continued stomping through the muddy area.

You know if you keep stomping like that you're gonna keep getting stuck.

Xena didn't say anything as she shot Ephiny a very Irritated look and kept going.

(Talking to herself) I'm just trying to help.

Xena looked around as they walked.

I can't believe there's no where to take shelter. If this keeps up we might just have to try making our own.

Or we could try that.

Ephiny motioned over the hills and trees to some smoke in the distance which indicated the likelihood of a far off village.

That could work too.

Xena and Ephiny began making their way towards the hills. As the two walked they came to a river heading the same way and decided to follow it towards their destination. The storm continued to rage as Ephiny noticed Xena stop and look off into the distance.

What is it?

It sounds like something's coming our way.

Ephiny tried to listen for what Xena was hearing which was a bit challenging to do due to the sound of the storm around them and the rushing river they were traveling along side. But as she focused, Ephiny did pick up on something else that sounded very similar to the sound of the river but was somehow becoming louder. Then at the same time Ephiny and Xena realized what the sound was. And knew that if they didn't get out of there right away they would be in serious trouble.

We need to run.

No kidding.

The two quickly began moving away from the river as the sound continued to get louder. Xena quickly stomped through the mud as she put more distance between herself and the river.

Ugh this is ridiculous!

Xena looked over her shoulder and saw Ephiny struggling to get her foot out of the mud. Xena raced back over and grabbed Ephiny's arm to help pull her out. But unfortunately as Xena pulled her own feet began to slip and sink into the soft ground. The roaring got even louder as Xena and Ephiny hastily crouched down as began trying to dig their way out. Ephiny got one foot free and was working on the other when she looked up to a very frightful sight and froze. Noticing Ephiny's reaction Xena also paused her digging and looked up just in time to see a flood of rushing water coming at them. Unknown to them aways up stream the excessive amount of rain had caused a nearby dam to burst, flooding the river and sending the swift current right towards Xena and Ephiny. There was no time to get out of the way as the raging waters crashed into them. The force dislodging them from the mud as they were swept away with the current. While tossed around beneath the water Ephiny fought to get to the surface. As her head popped above the water she tried to look for Xena but was quickly pushed back under as a wave hit her from behind.


Xena called out as she managed to grab onto a rock she was going by. She tried to look to see if she could spot Ephiny in the water when a wave crashed into her. Xena clung to the rock as she tried to search for Ephiny while not being swept away. Wave after wave hit as Xena did everything she could to maintain her gradually slipping grip. Which quickly proved to be a pointless effort when another wave smacked into her and tore Xena from the rock as she was once again forcefully carried down stream. Ephiny coughed up water as she shook off the last wave that had just hit her. She didn't even have time to look for Xena as the flood tossed her around. As the water continued to carry her Ephiny happened to notice a tree that had partially fallen into the river up a head. Knowing this was her best chance to get out Ephiny swam as best she could to the side towards the tree. Fighting against the current she stretched out her arm as she went by the tree and just managed to grab on to a small branch stopping her from going any further. With some effort as she went directly against the rushing watet, she pulled herself up the branch until she reached a sturdier part. While holding on, Ephiny quickly scanned the water for Xena.