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The village was in chaos as the villagers pounded against the door to the infermery that Celine and Cora had barricaded themselves in along with the injured Willow. Gabrielle tried everything she could to stop the madness as after several minutes the mob finally broke into the building and a number rushed inside. After a few moments Gabrielle saw as Celine and Cora were forcefully dragged outside by the villagers. The thunder roared and angery chants rang out as they visiting Amazon's were dragged to the center of the village struggling to get free the whole way. Gabrielle and Amarice tried to stop the mob but were ignored and pushed aside as the villagers paraded Cora and Celine through the village.

What about the third one?

Clover pretty much already handled her. We can deal with her after these two.

Gabrielle continued to try stopping the villagers.

Stop, this is just plain murder. This isn't how to settle things. Think about what you're doing,. If you do this it could cause a war with their village.

Again Gabrielle went ignored as members of the mob yelled to kill the visitors.


Multiple villagers drew weapons as others held Celine and Cora to keep them from running. The frenzied villagers closed in as the yelling got louder. One woman raised a spear to plunge it into Cora's chest. There was nothing Gabrielle could do but watch as suddenly a loud voice echoed through the air.

Stop this at once!

Everyone stopped as they looked around for the origin of the sound.

What is this madness?

Then as everyone wondered where the voice was coming from there was a bright flash in the middle of the village as most everyone was forced to shut or shield their eyes from the light. A moment later the light faded as the people around gasped as they saw a beautiful, mysterious woman standing there. The woman looked around for a moment before raising her hand and a few seconds later the rain stopped.

That's better.

Everyone gasped again as they backed away from her slightly. As the clouds parted and the sun began to come out Gabrielle finally realized that she knew who this woman was. She slowly walked a little closer as she wondered why she was there.


Artemis looked over at Gabrielle and smiled.

We meet again Gabrielle.

The crowd gasped in awe at the realization of this woman being their secred patrin goddess as many women dropped to a knee and bowed their heads. While others just stood there in wonder unable to believe what they were seeing. Artemis simply smiled at their reactions as she kept most of her attention on Gabrielle. Meanwhile Gabrielle pushed aside her initial shock as she got to the point of what could've possibly brought the usually reclusive goddess to the village.

What brings you here Artemis? You don't normally show yourself to people, so is something wrong?

Other than you seeming to have your hands full, no.

Gabrielle lowered her head slightly.

I see. I guess things have gotten so out of hand that you couldn't ignore your people fighting amungst themselves again. I'm sorry. I just wanted this village and it's people to flourish and I... I'm a terrible queen. I can't even keep peace in a single village. You're probably here to tell me I'm no longer queen aren't you? I understand.