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Ephiny stood along side the flooded river while she tried to locate Xena as the rain continued to pour. She yelled over the sound of the storm and raging water, hoping that Xena would hear her.


After calling out several times and getting no response Ephiny decided to move down stream to see if she could spot any sign of Xena. As she hastily walked Ephiny found something washed up on the river bank.

(Thinking to herself) Xena's chakrum.

She walked over and picked up the weapon and continued to scan the water with the hopeful thought that Xena might not be too far.


This time when Ephiny yelled she heard Xena's voice in the distance. She quickly ran further down stream and finally saw Xena in the water against some rocks. Finally she reached Xena relieved to see her alive.

Are you okay?

Xena looked over and saw Ephiny on the side of the river.

I don't know. I'm stuck.

Ephiny looked as she noticed that Xena was caught between some rocks and had a cut on her head that was made apparent by the trickle of blood running down the side of her face. Ephiny watched as Xena tried to get free but stopped when she cried out in pain. Figuring Xena must've gotten hurt while being carried down stream Ephiny knew she would have to help Xena get free.

Hold on I'll figure out how to get you out of there.

Xena didn't say anything as she again tried to get free but stopped once more when more pain hit her causing her to yell.

Just stay still for now.

Ephiny quickly looked around for anything that could help get Xena free. After quickly searching Ephiny found a broken tree branch. Then she took off her pack that she had on with some supplies for the trip and rummaged through it until she found what she was looking for. After pulling out some rope, Ephiny hastily tied one end to a tree next to the river and the other around her waist. After making sure the rope was secure, she grabbed the medium sized branch and carefully made her way into the water. She stuck the branch into the bottom of the river as she moved towards Xena to help keep the water from knocking her over. After a few minutes Ephiny managed to make it to where Xena was stuck. She clung to one of the rocks the help keep for being knocked over by the current.

Okay let's get you out of there.

Xena nodded but yelled out when another wave hit her pushing her up against the rock further causing another jolt of pain to shoot through her. Afterwards Xena whimpered as she began to become very afraid.

Damn it!

Where are you hurt Xena?

Xena looked at Ephiny who saw fear in her eyes.

It's my stomach.

The baby?

Xena nodded.

I think something's wrong.

Ephiny looked closer and saw that Xena's stomach was pressed right up against the rocks. This was likely part the reason for the pain. Not mention what might've happened while Xena was roughly carried down stream. Plus the stress of the whole situation all added up to a very dangerous combination. Now with the possibility of the unborn child being in danger getting Xena free had become even more urgent.

Okay just hold on Xena. I'm gonna get you out.

Xena nodded as she fought back pain filled scream as another jolt of pain ripped through her midsection. Ephiny braced herself against one of the rocks as she took the tree branch and began trying to wedge it between the rocks and Xena. After moving it around Ephiny got the branch in place and then began pushing it to the side as she used it as leverage to get Xena free. While Ephiny pushed Xena braced her hands against the rocks as she also tried to pry herself from between the rocks. She did her best to push past the pain, knowing that it was really the only option she had if she had any hopes of getting out. This went on for several minutes when finally Xena slipped from between the rocks and Ephiny grabbed her before the current could take her again. Xena held on as Ephiny pulled on the rope she had tied around her and with some effort as she fought against the water, dragged them both to the side and pulled them from the water. Once on solid ground again Ephiny quickly checked to see how Xena was doing.

Are you still in pain.

Xena gritted her teeth and nodded as she felt another jolt of pain come and go. Both knew that this was not a good situation and that Xena needed medical attention. After quickly examining Xena both were slightly relieved that there wasn't any bleeding that would indicate a miscarriage. But that didn't necessarily mean that Xena and the baby weren't still in danger as made apparent by the persisting pain that Xena was still experiencing. Ephiny stood as she looked around not recognizing where they were.

We have to find a village or town and get you checked.

Xena sat on the ground and placed her hand on her stomach as she took a breath and tried to relax. Hoping that would help ease the pain as she looked around.

I don't think there are any around here.

True I'm not seeing any smoke.

Thunder cracked as the rain continued to come down.

Even so we can't stay out in this. And we have to find you a healer.

Ephiny looked at Xena.

Can you walk?

I can try.

Ephiny carefully helped Xena stand and put her arm around her to help keep her up. Xena felt a another wave of pain come and go.

You sure you can go?

I don't really have much choice here do I?

Okay let's go. Just let me know if you need to stop.

Xena nodded as the two begin walking in the hopes of finding shelter and someone who could hopefully help Xena.

Any ideas why Gabrielle has us all standing out in the rain?

Amarice shrugged as a group of villagers and the visitors stood in the downpour as they waited for Gabrielle. After a few moments she walked outside from the village hall and stood in front of the crowd. As she stopped, Gabrielle forcefully planted one end of her staff in the ground beside her as a way to show that she ment business. Everyone was quiet as they waited for Gabrielle to speak.

You know I had a real positive feeling about the idea of inviting others here when this started. I know that things haven't really gone very smoothly. Tensions and tempers are running high and everyone is on edge due to the number of incidents that have happened.

Maybe they should just leave.

A number of villagers agreed.

I've considered that. But as I'm sure you've noticed the weather hasn't really been very good for traveling. And since we're in the beginning of the rainy season, I don't see that changing for a while. And I'd rather not get the news that something happened to Willow, Celine or Cora on their way back home.

It's not like we would know how to get back anyway. We were blindfolded coming here remember.

Clover grumbled to herself as a number of people began wondering why they were out there.

Simple I think that everyone here can use a better outlet to relieve some of their frustrations. Which is why we're going havea series of sparing matches between some of the villagers and our guests.

Everyone looked at each other surprised by Gabrielle apparent solution.

Good now that I have your attention, let's get this started.

With that Gabrielle lead everyone to the practice field where she then went over the rules and selected pairings for the matches. Soon everyone was ready as Gabrielle climbed up and sat on the fence as the others gathered around different sections as the rain continued.

Ok now let's get started.

So with that the matches began. But little did Gabrielle know that while her intentions were good, even the best layed plans can go terribly awry.