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♤Jeongin's Pov♤

We finally board the plane as Chan sits down in his seat after sitting his computer bag in front of his feet. Jisung kept on saying since it's a vacation that he shouldn't bring his computer but I know him,he will have inspiration sparks at the most random times.Plus I know he would be lost without that thing anyways.

"Can you at least tell me how long the flight will be? How did you convince Jisung and Changbin to let me go on this vacation?" Chan asks me pulling out his computer, starting to work on a file that he must have been working on for a while.

"Oh so you can figure out the direction or so you can figure out if you need to jump out of the plane or not yet?" Chan's eyes get wide as he snaps his attention over to me, shutting the computer placing it back in its cover.

"Don't you know better than to say that? Don't jinx everyone" Chan sighs leaning his head back causing his adams apple to be more stuck out, it only makes my pants slightly tighter with the thoughts of his moans seeping out of his mouth with his head back. Self,knock it off. The last thing I need is to have a hard on for 10 hours.

"Channie" I take his hands into mine acting dramatic "If this plane goes down,I just want you to know that I love you and that you made me the happiest I have ever been" I fake cry as a wide smile appears on his face

"Dramatic,I didn't know I was bringing along Han, if I knew that, I would have slipped some sleeping pill in your water" Chan jokes as I smack him lightly and playfully on the arm.

"Really? Because if that was the case you wouldn't know where you are going nor where to even go. Besides you would be lost without me entertaining you" I joke with him rubbing his hand gently.

Chan shakes his head intertwining my hand with his before bringing my hand up to his kissing my hand lightly "You are more to me than just entertaining,you are the man that I fell in love with,the one that I picture a future with,you are my everything. " His eyes are so soft right now that it could almost make me cry.

"You found me and made me into a better person babe,you are the only one I will ever accept as mine"

"You better accept that I belong to you and vice versa by now,after all,we have been together for a while now,7 months to be exact. But do you know why we work so well together, Jeongin?".

"Because we are matched well in personality and sexually?"

"You really don't know how to get out of work mode either do you?" Chan teases me as I shake my head. He leans in closer that way our faces are close together almost as if a test to see if I can hold myself back. He whispers to me "Because you complete me and I complete you. You are the one that I have been waiting for my whole life."

Just that sentence alone makes me fall more and more in love with him,everything he does makes me fall more and more in love with him. I know what he wants me to do but I won't do it this time. I want him to tease him a bit and tempt him,but at the same time it is torture to me to hold out. It may seem like all we do is have sex but we have been through a lot and bonded with each other so much.

"You light my whole world up" I whisper to him before getting out of my seat scooting past him or attempting to before he holds me in place by sliding his hands up from my upper thigh up to my hips where he slips his hands under my shirt. His large warm hands touching on my actual skin is making my head melt into a puddle

"Jeongin,where are you going?" I forget sometimes that I need to wait for his 'ok' and not the other way around. I am his sub and he is my dom,I need to be one hell of a bratty sub then. Or at least enough for him to be brave enough to want to do something. I have a feeling that my plan is working or at least for my sake I hope it is.

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