chapter 3

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"You are literally my life savior Tone!" Lily squeals as she toys with her phone, Delta beams as if she was the one who delivered. I smile as everyone sits around our usual table at Blight and talks about plans for later. I turn to Kate who's currently looking at the menu.

"How is the hazing test going?" Kate smiles at me, her sea green eyes sparkle.

"They managed to figure it out pretty quickly of what they had to do, but they still can't figure out who Alan and Soul picked. Which is understandable since Alan and you don’t really interact as much as the rest of us do." I nod. The test is the union of every department. This year the seniors want every freshman to know that even though we all study different things, we are all still connected. My basic job is to go about my day. When the freshmen figure out that Alan knows me they have to find and bring me to the main auditorium.

“So every facility is having their final hazing test today? I thought you all spaced it out?” Delta glances up from her phone and looks curiously at Kate. “Usually we do but this year we wanted to try something different, plus this makes it a bit more difficult since every faculty is looking for the same people without even knowing it.” Delta nods, even though by the look on her face she definitely thinks Kate is slightly confusing.

Glancing at Connor I see his annoyance and shoulder bump him to get his attention. He looks at me and does a once over before smiling,  ever since high school Connor has always been able to tell whenever I have something important on my mind.

"Tone, I see you have something to say. Did something happen at the club? Did you finally meet a girl who can melt your oh so frozen heart!" I smack his head, which gets a laugh from everyone. I can feel Delta staring at me but just carry on.

"No, I guess you can say I received an offer to perform there every Saturday night." Everyone smiles wide and cheers, which causes us to get even more attention. I hush them and take a sip of my water, Connor looks at me strangely, picking up on my reluctance.

"What's the problem? You often get asked to perform all the time. Besides, Diablo is the hottest club of the year, and it's popular with the upper class so you have a higher chance of getting scouted." 

I turn to Connor and raise my eyebrows."Diablo, is that what the club is called?" Connor nods as he takes a bite of his sandwich, and nods towards Ella, who, being our resident party girl, knows more about the club and is happy to share.

"That's the current name. It’'s name changes every few weeks. Right now it's Diablo, last month it was Rouge the month before it was Infinity, it's kinda their niche. They even take name suggestions, with every name change the club changes too with Diablo the theme is red. Rouge was a dark green and Infinity was silver, it's pretty cool actually and good for business. It's like you're stepping into a new club every few weeks, I've even put in a few suggestions myself." I nod and lean back, resting my arm behind Connor. It is a pretty good idea, it'll have people wanting to come back in case their suggestion is picked. I take another sip of my water as I weigh the pros and cons, I'll get paid obviously as well as some exposure. The only downside that has me second guessing is that Saturdays are when we all usually hit the town together.

As if reading my mind Delta speaks up. "Tone. Just do it, we can all just hang at Diablo with you. The club's nice and who knows we might even get a discount." I throw a fry at her but smile, finally coming to a decision. Everyone laughs as the air turns light again, a few minutes later everyone starts packing up to head to their afternoon classes. I stay as everyone rushes off with their goodbyes, Connor pats my shoulder leaving it there for a second.

"So what are you doing later?" I shrug and tear a napkin, lost in thought.

"I might call Chord after my class. I haven't talked with him in a few days." He nods and throws his bag over his shoulder, he pauses. 

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