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“That sounded great, how about we take a break for some food?” I look towards Zenith, a K-pop idol who I’ve been working with for the past two months and nod in agreement. Zenith and I started working together a little over two months ago. He wanted to collaborate on a song after hearing a few of my previous works.

“Tone, someone’s here for you and they brought everyone some lunch!” One of the producers bounces back into their studio after giving the information. I raise my eyebrows and make my way into the large black and purple walled hall. 

“How much longer until you think we’re finished?” I shrug. Zenith rolls his eyes but keeps his ever present smile. When I first started working with him I felt like he was arrogant and needed someone to bring him down a peg, but after being around him for a bit, I started to see his true self. Which is surprisingly down to earth and caring towards his trusted friends. He’s hard on himself like most in this industry but is extremely talented. Luckily the flow Zenith and I have together is pretty solid and we’ll probably be able to finish recording by tonight. This is pretty amazing at least from what Zenith has been saying, usually it takes months for him to finish stuff with other artists.

“Now I just need to find a good choreographer and I'll be able to sleep at night.” 

I smile and hand him one of Wynter’s cards as we turn the corner entering the large foyer where the company's logo shines brightly behind the front desk. Lupine Studios, a gift after graduation from Chord, that has since grown into quite the record company and has created many popular artists, in recent weeks we’ve been looking to expand into movies and dramas, as well as of course signing on some actors and actresses. I smile as a familiar figure leaning against the desk comes into my view. His back is to me while his chocolate brown hair is warmed by the sun that streams from the windows.

I smile as my secretary Cara rolls her eyes while Dean the security guard laughs. Zenith nudges my side and nods towards all the food on some white tables that must have been brought up from storage, all are my favorites which makes me roll my eyes happily. I shrug and make my way towards the figure who brought the food, as Cara and Dean’s eyes move towards me the figure turns around. His face is just as breathtaking as ever, he’s dressed in a black suit with a navy blue shirt, an unbuttoned button at the top shows off his crow tattoos, updated of course with all of them carrying a small red rose. As my eyes travel up I’m met with the heart melting lava pool gaze of that I've come to adore.

“Tone.” His voice beckons me, it makes my heart constrict and I feel my pulse race just as it did when we first met. He puts his arms out and I smile, his face beaming like a child even though he’s already 29. “I missed you.” His arms engulf me and his words tickle my heart while his breath tickles my ear. He lays a gentle kiss on my cheek and sighs peacefully. “You just saw me this morning…I missed you too.” He chuckles and pulls away, looking behind me he gives a salute towards Zenith who returns the motion.

“Am I able to steal you now?” I shake my head. “I still have a few things left but we should be finished with my involvement by next week.” I feel a presence behind me as Zenith appears beside us. “Actually Tone…I was kind of hoping you would be in the music video…” I sigh and shake my head as Zenith gives me a big bright smile.

“If I don't have to do too much I'd be fine with it, but I don't want to fly to Korea, planes and I don’t mix.” Ryker nods solemnly. The memories of our last vacation flashing through both of our minds. Zenith smiles. “What’s your definition of too much?” I shrug, the conversation takes its hold and we spend the next half hour discussing what I would be alright with doing, after hashing a few details out Ryker quickly jumps in,

“You guys can use Celeste if you want, I can shut it down for a few days or until you guys finish.” Zenith nods and calls his manager over, and soon Ryker and Zenith’s manager are in deep conversation, giving me enough time to get Zenith back to the recording booth so that we can finish at a decent time.

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