Chapter 24

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“So what do you have in mind for the music video?” Ryker runs his fingers along my side as I lay spent after our second round. He traces my tattoos over and over again as he awaits my response. I drape my arm across him, scooting closer I bury my face into the crook of his neck and breathe in the scent of his cologne, with a mix of sex. “I want it to seem kind of old fashioned, kind of like an old home movie. But at the same time I want it to mesh with something else…and one more thing.” He stops tracing and moves his hand into my hair gently running his fingers through it.

“Whatever you need.” I grin and tilt my head up, he tilts his own down and gives me a small smile. I give him a featherlike kiss on the lips before closing my eyes and snuggling into his warmth. “Tone…have you talked to your brother?” I groan and turn away from him. “Tone, I'm sorry but I can't help but feel bad. Like it's somewhat my fault.” I turn back around and flick his forehead. “It’s not your fault Ryker. To be honest I feel like this was going to happen anyway. Delta has always said I let things slide when it comes to my family and she’s right…” I sigh but smile up at him. “I’ll talk to him when I'm ready and right now…I’m just not ready to open that door just yet.”

Ryker nods and pulls me even closer. “Okay, Whatever you want to do, I'll be right there with you.” I take a breath in and let it out. “Good…because I need to go somewhere tomorrow and I would like you to come with me.” I feel him smile and he squeezes me. After a few moments his breathing steadies and I know that he's fast asleep. Opening my eyes I tilt my head slowly to look at him, his face is softer looking when he’s asleep, he looks much younger and his lips form a tiny smile. I tentatively reach up and trace his nose down to his chin before resting my hand over his side and closing my eyes.

Nan and pops sit across from me, their expressions mixed with confusion and a bit of anger. I glance at Ryker who seems to be more terrified than I am, which is understandable. When I told him on the drive that I wanted to tell my grandparents about us he was excited…but sitting here in front of them that excitement seems to have made a turn for the scared. My grandparents aren’t homophobic, many of the residents in Asena as well as the tourists that come here have relationships like Ryker and I. Them not agreeing with my relationship is far from what I'm worried about, which is why when my Nan smiles and claps her hands I'm not surprised.

“I knew you two had something special going on! My Tone is just too handsome of course he could attract someone like Ryker!” I smile as Nan bounces in her chair. “I need to get some drinks! We need to celebrate!” I turn quickly to her and shake my head then look at Ryker who through all of this has yet to be able to understand because again my nan is not as fluent in English. She turns towards Ryker and reaches her hands across. Realizing that he doesn't understand what she's saying.

“You love Tone. That is all that matters, love is love and if you two love each other then good!” I look at Ryker who smiles, his eyes look misty as he lays his hand on top of nans. Pops clears his throat getting all of our attention. He smiles at me and I smile back. “Tone, no matter who you love we will support you. I mean your grandmother's parents didn't support us. They said we were too young to understand what love even meant…And yet here we are almost 48 years together and we have so much to show for it.” I blink back tears as he stands and hugs me, nan joins us, grabbing Ryker and pulling him into it as well.

“Who’s hungry?” Nan doesn't bother to wait for us to answer before dashing into the kitchen and talking with the chef. Ryker, Pops and I take a seat and chat a bit as we wait. Of course after a bit the topic of Chord makes its appearance. “Chord has called many times to see if we’ve heard from you. He wouldn't say what was wrong but us old people know a thing or two.” I laugh. “Pop you’re not old, and it's just a little fight.” Pops clicks his tongue while shaking his head. “Tone, like I said I've been around for a while and I've known you for your entire life. You and Chord have had fights before, but none of them have led you to cut contact with him. What's up?” Ryker excuses himself to take a call leaving pops and I to talk about what had been going on the past few weeks.

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