My Name is Freak; Nice to meet you!

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I've been living my whole life not knowing my parents, and quite frankly I wouldn't care less, if they hated me that much to THROW ME a one year old boy to the most hatred and highly bedraggled run-down place in The UK; why would I bother search for them.

The place I'm currently residing in is the one and only wool's orphanage, I absolutely despise it, soon I'll burn this place to the ground, it was burned before or so I heard, from an old resident here, I guess he was as desperate to get out as me, doesn't help that I'm staying in the same room that boy was at, they put me there when I accidentally "as I put it to get away from it" set a boy on fire, well he didn't die or get injured badly againstmy wishes, he really is a pain in the ass, I was 5 then, now I'm eleven year's old well in a few minutes I will be, oh how rude of me my name is freak or at least that's what they call me here before that they called me boy, they say I didn't come with a name and they didn't care enough to give me one.

I really hate it here..

Third person pov:

As that thought crossed his mind he heard a little tap, he got up and cautiously opened the door, nobody was there, as he turned around he almost screamed when he saw a big brown owl sitting on his desk, he approached her carefully, wondering what would an owl do in this part of town there's no woods no parks nothing you barely can even catch a sight of birds, when suddenly he saw a yellowish envelope tied to his talon he carefully took it and the owl hooted before flying away he stood there shocked and slightly amazed by that majestic bird he only read about them never really saw one in real life, when he snapped back to reality he looked down to the envelope and walked back to his bed he sat down still holding it wondering who could've sent it to him, and who was cool enough to send it with an owl, he brushed it off so he can focus on what's in his hands he saw a purple stamp with some type of logo and above it written in the most elegant handwriting he laid eyes on hogwarts school of witchcraft an wizardy,
Two thoughts crossed his mind .. wtf? And is this some sick jokes the other orphanes are playing but soon realised that's absolutely not the case when he remembered the owl and the handwriting those bunch of bumbling baboons would not be capable of such thing, so he turned the paper to see what shocked him the most a name .. apparently and supposedly his name, I mean there's no other explanation, the letter was delivered to him and only him it must be his name so he tried the name in his tongue.

" Regulus Black... Regulus black .. that sound about right if that's really my name, I finally have a name.. but what does it mean school.. I've never heard of such thing, I thought there's no such thing as magic, this can't be real but something deep down inside me says otherwise"

With that he opened the envelope real slowly to not tear it, after all it was the first letter he ever received and it has his name on it, inside he found a peace of parchment and with an elegant writing that says

To say that he was shocked is an understatement he was flabbergasted; he litteraly had no words which was extremely rare in his case, he finally had a purpose, he finally understood what has being going on with him since he can remember, he finall...

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To say that he was shocked is an understatement he was flabbergasted; he litteraly had no words which was extremely rare in his case, he finally had a purpose, he finally understood what has being going on with him since he can remember, he finally can say I'm not a freak; I'm a Wizard, and I for ounce I'm exited for tomorrow.
As soon as he finished reading as if somehow it knew, he found the owl back and waiting for his reply, he fumbled in his desk for pen and when he found one, he made sure that it works in a spare peace of paper before replying with

I would love to enroll in your school, 
Regulus Lyall black
Ps: where can I shop for my school stuff I suppose a normal store simply won't do.

After sending it he was really wondering, didn't they think that he won't know where to purchase his stuff or did they think he already knew, then he started questioning the IQ level of this school headmaster dumbeldore was it? what kind of name is that, he started thinking maybe this is a prank, until he heard a knock on the door, he approached the door carefully and opened it to find an old man with the longest beard he ever saw in his life not that he saw a lot of people; on a second thought; maybe it was a common thing, he was so lost in his thought that he didn't realise that his name was repeatedly being called by the old man.

Regulus: oh sorry! I was lost in my thoughts about your ridiculously long beard

He looked up the see the man giving him a side look

Regulus: I said that outloud didn't I?

?: yes, Yes; you indeed  did Mr Black..

Regulus: and you are?

?: oh yes, Albus dumbeldore, headmaster of

But he got caught of by

Regulus: hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardy..

Dumbeldore: I see you received our letter, I do hope you accept our request, I quite frankly didn't know you existed until well let's say 10 minutes ago

Regulus: wow, bold aren't ya, well to be fair I didn't know my name or that YOU exists 10 seconds ago or was it 15 ??

He said with a witty smirk in his face

Dumbeldore: I see the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree..

Regulus: what's that suppose to mean? Do you know who my parents are?

Dumbeldore: all in it's time, rush not young boy, I'm here simply to collect you..

Regulus: where to... I'm not going anywhere with YOU old man, what says that as soon as I walk out of here you're gonna take me to a dark alley and put your wrinkly hands all over my fragile body forcefully, FORCEFULLY I say...

Dumbeldore: who put such thing in your head my boy

Regulus: don't my boy me.. who's that minevera chick; send HER to me, I don't trust men...

Dumbeldore: okay, fair enough I see you must fear men for a reason so I shall send minevera your way, but let me introduce our school to you

Regulus: isn't it yours .. you're the headmaster after All...

Dumbeldore: flattering but no, the school is so old I myself was a student there ...

Deimos: okay so ... am I a wizard?

Dumbeldore: yes you are.. you must've noticed that you're able of doing extraordinary things, things that kids around you can't

Regulus: yeah , not that I would know what other kids do, hello I'm freak nice to meet you *while bowing dramatically* but yes I can move things set people on fire which I do not enjoy just a quick FYI and I can talk to animals..

Dumbeldore: animals??

Regulus: yeah; is that weird??

Dumbeldore: highly common *while looking pale like if he JUST saw a ghost*

Regulus: that's suspicious.. * squints his eyes at him*

Dumbeldore: i shall take my leave now, I never really liked this place, specially this room

Regulus: farewell old man

Dumbeldore: *laughs* farewell young black..

And with that he was gone leaving Regulus alone in his thoughts and smiling to himself like a fool.

Regulus: tomorrow will be so great I can already smell it..

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