My thought!

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Soon I found myself back with Hermione to her house where I'll be staying till September 1st when we'll be headed to hogwarts.

In those few weeks I found myself quite liking Hermione's presence, she respected privacy and also respected that'll be telling everything in it's own time, which includes the few information I gathered from the goblins, Mcgonagall or my own memories.

She was also a nice study partner! we've spent our summer studying all about hogwarts and trying to do wandless magic by saying spells with hand movement  without using our wands no matter how much we craved and wanted to, after all we don't want to be expelled before we even enrolled.

Besides spells, Hermione and I bonded quite well, I enjoy her mind even though sometimes she can come through a little bit aloof and standoffish, we've been trying to work on that.

We also read about hogwarts history! My favorite book so far, well, to be honest I do enjoy potions and the theory behind it, and having a dark core really helped me understand more about dark magic, not that Mione knows about it, Merlin forbid I tell Hermione I've being practicing old magic and runes, which are considered dark by the way!

I don't really understand how can people separate between a dark spell and a light one.

For example:

With a light spell as "wingardium laviosa" I can levitate a person and throw from a high building straight to his death!

With a dark spell like "imperio" I can make a person not commit a murder! Or ease someone's mind until we get the appropriate help they need!

With a spell as "the killing curse" I can give a patient who's suffering a quick painless death.

So I really don't understand how can someone forbid such spells, I honestly think it's stupid and uncalled for and also just because someone can perform magic wandlessly and wordlessly and like to wear black and have a decent fashion sense doesn't mean he's a dark wizard.

For example Voldomort, he wanted to be a DADA teacher but that old goose of headmaster didn't let him, if he allowed it we wouldn't have a dark Lord, even though I fear that there's more to that story than what meets the eye, and I Regulus BLACK will make sure to reach the bottom of it! Unless i loose interest on the way.

A filler chapter! To whoever reads this! The next one will be good.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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