Hermione Granger; and you are?

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We soon reached our apparation point, to my surprise outside was empty but still the same from when I was 3 years old, still bring Me joy.

We walked out and mcgonagall held my shoulder.

Mcgonagall: Mr Black, hold on and clear your mind..

Before I had the chance to answer she started speaking again

Mcgonagall: Hampstead Garden Suburb in Heathgate..

I felt like I've been squished in every possible different position, like if i was being pressed and stretched at the same time, it was weird, but, surprisingly I quite enjoyed it.

Soon we found ourselves in a calm looking street, mcgonagall looked at me and examined me with her eyes as if she's expecting something from me.

Regulus: yes professor?

Mcgonagall: don't you feel sick or anything, do you perhaps need some water?

Regulus: no professor I feel quite well , why?

Mcgonagall: it's just fascinating Mr Black, most young witches and wizards would throw up or feel slightly sick after their first apparation..

Regulus: it was a bit uncomfortable but nothing I can't handle.. shall we professor?

Mcgonagall: oh yes yes.. let's go Mr Black she must be waiting our arrival..

Regulus: you can call me Regulus professor, I don't see why you should be formal with me..

Mcgonagall: right Regulus than .. off we go miss Granger awaits..

We walked down the street and approached a beautiful looking house, it looked friendly if that's even a word to describe houses, Mcgonagall stepped forward and rang the bell.

We waited a few seconds when a bushy haired girl opened the door with half her face shown in a shy way,

Mcgonagall: hello dear I assume you're miss Hermione Granger??

Hermione: *suddenly not shy* yes I'm Hermione Granger, and you are?

Mcgonagall: Minevera Mcgonagall, I came from Hogwarts, I received your acceptance letter and I'm here to collect you so we go buy your school needs and supplies.. as it's a must to do so with muggle borns which are young witches and wizards born from a non magical family..

Regulus: wow, that's more than I'll get of an explanation... Nice protocol your school got there professor...

Mcgonagall: thanks Regulus

Regulus: that wasn't a compliment...

Mcgonagall: well *clear throat in embarrassment* shall discuss inside or are we gonna stay here all day Ms Granger

Regulus: wow hold on, the girl is obviously confused and scared, and we're total strangers, and by the look on her face, she probably answered back not knowing if any of this is true just as i did, so give the girl a chance to process everything for the love of God, *turns to Hermione* honestly what is it with old people and lack of manners, and they expect us to be polite, *offer hand shake* Regulus Lyall Black soon to be classmates, nice to meet you...

Hermione: Hermione Jean Granger, pleasure to meet you Regulus

She than proceed to look towards Mcgonagall.

Hermione: he is right; I sent the letter assuming nothing will happen, and you see I haven't informed my parents, so I don't have any money to purchase my school stuff, and I hardly think they'll easily accept that they're only daughter is a ... a witch

Regulus: we're paying for our supplies?!... Professor since you're here with a girl that have parents that will provide money for her to buy her school stuff , why don't you drop me back in my room and forget about my existence because clearly I lack both, money and parents..

Mcgonagall: you're not going to be paying for anything miss Granger; your fees will be paid by the ministry so rest assured, as for you Regulus you didn't possibly think your parents left you with nothing in your name did you ??

Regulus: the fuckers abounded me, so I wouldn't really know..

Mcgonagall: that's where you're wrong Regulus, i will ignore your language for now but, your mother was killed by a very dark wizard, and your father was imprisoned soon after, so technically you weren't abandoned, as far as who put you in that orphanage I'm afraid I don't know..and I promise you will not step foot in that orphanage again even if it means you staying with me 

Regulus: no thanks! I prefer the orphanage

She started laughing so hard, attracting attention from Hermione's parents

Mcgonagall: you sure is sirius son..

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