mission : make him fall in love

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The night went like that and when the next day rain woke up he took a sneak peak of the room with his one eye closed when he saw no one he  decided to left the house.
When he was about to open the door of that room phayu came out of the bathroom and said .

Oh you woke up

Rain Standed straight smiled akwardly as if he got caught while stealing and phayu eyed him head to toe then asked .

What hap...( Cutting his words in between rain said in one breath as if he's in a rap show )
Phi phayu i have to leave my mom is calling me .( While saying this he showed him the phone )

He again attempted to leave when phayu's words made his feet halt

You're holding my phone .

Rain faced him with the fakest smile ever and explained .

Oh! Maybe in hurry i took your phone , let me get mine 
Phayu keep his eyes fixed on rain examining his every action and when rain ran away from the room while stumbling and bumping here and there , a chuckle left phayu's mouth as he shook his head over rain's clumsyness

Uff!! This boy, don't make me fall so hard for you .

Rain keep doing his work while sulking and sky was noticing him so he asked .

Hey! Buddy what happened to you you seems distracted.

Aii sky how do you make someone fall in love with you .

Rain asked making sky a  little shocked and confused as well .

Why are you asking about love suddenly??

Cuz , i wanna know , now tell me !!

Why don't you complete you assignment instead .

Aii sky .( Rain glared at sky to which sky blinked but agreed )

Okay okay
Step 1 : getting their attention .

How to get someone's attention.

Meeting them everyday , talking to them , make them feel important .

Okay ( rain nooded his head as if he understood sky's each word and got lost in his thoughts when sky smacked his head and said )

First finish your assignment rather then making someone fell in love .

The other day rain got ready and went to the auto- shop .

Wadee khrap can I meet phi phayu .

He's not here khun  rain .


Rain felt a little disappointed he got back to the university and they day went like this .
This keep happening for few days and now it's almost 1-2 week . He got to auto shop daily but came back disappointed now rain became a little pissed with this . He was going back from the auto shop with his head bent down in disappointment and a pout formed on his face . When he heard the car honk he turn his head in the same Direction just to find phayu getting off his car  . Looking at phayu the pout exchanged with a smile and his eyes beamed  all the gloomyness fade away  and he walked to phayu .

Wadee khrap phi phayu.( Phayu look at him with narrow eyes  making rain a little confused and asked )

What are you doing here , you should be at your university .

I came here to meet you i still have time to go there . Okay then I'm leaving .(He was about to leave when rain pulled him back )

You just saw me and now you're leaving are you so in love with me that my single glance is enough for you .

Love Story Of The Rain And Storms Where stories live. Discover now