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How long has it been since that ache in his lungs started? Probably not too long, it was getting harder by each month to breathe. The boy groaned as he reached for the local newspaper on his desk. All the headlines spoke of an unknown anomaly that has been causing disaster to strike across the forest. "Probably just a forest demon again," the boy said as he grabbed his bag.

With that he grabbed his books, the name tubbo written in sloppy letters on the front as he stuffed it into his tote bag. Grabbing his hat he stepped out into the warm sun. He sighed as he walked to the path in the forest, remembering how he couldn't run like he use to. "God my lungs are useless" he complained as the trees covered him. After walking for a bit he spotted an interesting object.

Intrigued, he slowly got his book out along with his camera. After snapping a few photos he got up and started looking around for...flowers.

He loved flowers, hence why tubbo had so many flower pots. But he didn't at the same time.

It was what's killing him.

It's what is taking over him.

Tubbo spotted some beautiful red flowers. He didn't know what type they were but he knew just the person that would love them. "Ranboo would love these" just as he said that a burning sensation erupted in his throat.

The burning got worse as he gasped desperately. Tears filled his eyes as pain overtook him. He started to cough hard as he bent forward. He held his stomach as his head rang. Blood and red petals were thrown out of his mouth as his lungs ached worse than ever. He thought the pain would kill him. It seemed as if time had suddenly stopped as he coughed. God knows how long he had been coughing when he finally stopped.

Gasping desperately for air despite his tightening chest. It felt like he had just hacked a whole lung as he wiped his mouth. As his tears cleared his eyes he saw he was covered in blood.

His blood.

Petals littered the ground in a particular red color, much like the flowers he picked for...

'Maybe I shouldn't get flowers..'

Tubbo sighed as he slowly got up and softly picked his book up. "Gosh now it's stained.." he grumbled. Now he'd have to go into town to purchase a new one.

For weeks he tried to avoid going into town but it was inevitable, he had to either copy whatever was in the previous one to his new one. "I need to stop bringing my books on these types of trips" he sighed.

Quickly speedwalking home he traded his bag for his shopping bag and a bigger hat, a hat big enough to cover his face. After a painstaking walk to the town square, he quickly slipped into a bookstore.

"Oh, tubbo! Welcome back!" A familiar voice said.

"Oh shit",tubbo thought as he froze, his back turned away from the voice.

I thought he wouldn't be here today!'

"Did you come back to buy another notebook?" The voice asked.

"Yeah but I don't need any help please.." tubbo said in almost a whisper as he turned around.

Despite the voice being taller than tubbo, tubbo didn't dare to look at him straight in the eye.

"Oh ok but I'll be near the counter if you need anything"

Tubbo quickly made his way to the fresh notebooks, quickly selecting the same color notebook as before and opened it. The smell of paper filled his nose as his eyes wandered to an isle. He always avoided staying in the book store for too long now. Not after what had happened.

"Maybe it wouldn't hurt to look around for a bit"

Tubbo brushed his hands across the spines of the books before stopping at a rather interesting one.

Magical illness and flowers

Cautiously he slipped the book out of its place and started skimming through the pages. Nothing new that he didn't already know about like living stones, the strangler Fig and so on. He was about to put the book back when he landed on a very interesting page.


Hanahaki disease is the disease of when the victim coughs up the favorite flower petals of a person as they experience one sided love. This disease can take years or months until it renders the ability to breathe and then kills the victim.
The disease can be cured of the beloved returns their feelings. It may only work through romantic love, strong friendship wouldn't suffice.

But due to recent years, Hanahaki disease can be surgically removed, unfortunately the victims feelings would then disappear along with any memory's of the beloved.

The flowers can grow for years or months in a person's lungs and heart, many believe that thoughts or anything that reminds the person of their beloved would cause them to vomit the petals. Or likewise, they would vomit the petals as the plant grows larger.

There was more reading but tubbo was too horrified to continue. He quickly put the book back as he felt his head become heavy.

He felt like vomiting.

"Tubbo what's wrong?" The voice said.

"Ran stay back ple-"

The burning started again in his throat.

The tall person bent down fast and lifted the smaller boys hat. Worry was filled in his eyes.

Tubbo quickly bent down and dashed out the store, leaving his hat and the book he was suppose to buy.

His lungs screamed but he ignored the feeling. He bumped into many passing by, getting many looks as blood fell from his mouth. Spotting a bakery he quickly slid inside trying to catch his breath as he tried holding the vomit inside.

"Oh my gosh Tubbo are you alright?!" Someone exclaimed.

Tubbos blurry eyes looked up before his vision blured. The last thing he saw before blacking out was two people rushing towards him.
As his eyes reopened the blinding light made him squint. "Oh your finally up" a soft voice said.

P A R T  I -C O M P L E T E

♧P A R T II- ???

☆H A N A H A K I||BEEDUO☆Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz