21 1 2

The sun peaked through the curtains, jabbing Tubbo in the eyes. Tubbo got out from under his sheets. Groaning, he stumbled to the window to close the blinds. He had a weird feeling in his gut.

It probably was just whatever.

"Too bright," he groaned. He tossed his slippers off before going to the kitchen. Going to his fridge, he grabbed some butter and eggs. Grabbing his only pan, he t1urned his stove to medium heat before dropping the butter in.

Outside, the birds chirped.

Once that was done, he cracked two eggs and turned the heat lower.

He grabbed a loaf of bread and cut two slices, and shoved it into his toaster. Quickly returning to the fridge, he grabbed his box of fresh strawberries. Picking the prettiest out of the bunch, he sliced them and put them on his plate. By then, his toast had finished and grabbed them to place on his plate.

"I guess the eggs are ready now," he said outloud, grabbing his spatula and slowly adding them to the plate. He also grabbed a tall glass and filled it with milk.

"This probably is the first time in a while. I've made a breakfast like this," he said as he stuffed his face with runny eggs.

Whenever he tried to attempt to make a good breakfast, he always ended up passing out from coughing up flowers. Heck, one time, he almost burnt his house down because of that. So most of the time, he'd just eat some bread and maybe some berries.

"I gotta thank Angie next time for the pills," he said. Oh wait, he remembered something.

"That's why I was feeling so weird, I said I would make plans!" He exclaimed.

Quickly finishing, he went to his small living room. His rotary phone was sitting right there on a tiny table. The green phone was incredibly dusty from not being used in a while. Excitedly, he picked the phone up and dialed a number.

The phone rang for a bit before the receiver answered.

"Hello, this is Angelina speaking. How can I help you?"

"Hey Angie," Tubbo replied.

"Oh, Tubbo, it's you. How are the pills working?" She asked.

"Oh, there working just fine, but I wanted to ask something."

"What is it?"

"Would you like to go that new fun fair that just opened up?"

"You serious? It's been a hella long time since we went somewhere fun, so sure! Maybe i could bring Niki and Ranboo too if he's not too busy. "

Tubbo coughed at that.

"Tubbo? You alright? Look, if you are sick or something, you don't have to go."

"No, Angie, I'm fine," he replied.

"Alright, I'll call you back with their response."

"Alright, see you, Angie."

"See you later, dear," she said before placing her phone back in its place. She sighed before putting her nail polish away.

"Guess I'll retouch them later," she said before picking the phone up again and dialing a number.

The phone picked up.

"Hello, is Tommy there?"

Tubbo was sitting on his soft lounge chair when his phone rang. Grabbing the phone, he answered.

"Heloo, this is Tubbo speaking,"

"Tubs, it's me, Angie. I just got everyone's approval that they're gonna come with us."

"So what time are we gonna meet up?"

"Well, Nikis shop is closed today, and im busy right now," she closed her magazine ",but Rans shop is open until four, so the four of us decided to meet at five."

"Wait, the four of us?" Tubbo questioned.

"Yeah, I invited someone else!"

"Angie, don't tell me who I think it is."

"Yeah, it is Tubs. I invited Tommy, but seriously, the kid misses you, and with the pills actually working, you two can catch up."

"Angie, he hates me, and you know it."

"No, he doesn't. I was just on the phone with him."

"That doesn't change it."

"Look it's already too late I can't just call him and say that he's no longer invited, it would make whatever effort I did to convince Phil to let him go would be for nothing."

"Fine, he could go with us."

"Thanks, Tubs. anyways catch you later. I gotta finish my nails."

"See you, angie," he said as the line went dead.


This was wonderful. Tubbo thought that today would go well, but clearly, it won't. Angie thought it would be a wonderful idea to invite his ex best friend.

He couldn't remember the last time he talked to him. Probably a year or two passed, but he definitely knows that they stopped talking when his condition got worse.

Tubbo gazed to his clock. It read three thirty. "Well, I have a bit of some time before it's time."

Tubbo stood outside the glowing entrance, looking up at the sky.

"Tubbo!" A voice called out.

"Oh, Ran, hi!" Tubbo looked back and waved at a rather tall person. Tubbo felt his face heat up a bit. "Are you feeling better?" Ranboo questioned him. "Oh yeah, I am feeling better." Tubbo replied.

"Where's Angie?"

"Oh, she's with Niki. They're going to pick up Tommy."

"Oh, so should we wait for them?" He asked.

"Yeah, let's just sit on a nearby bench." Tubbo sat near a bench somewhere a bit far from the glowing entrance.

"So.. did something happen?"

"What?" Tubbo said, looking at Ranboo.

"I mean, before you never came out of your house and whenever you do, you avoid me."

Shit how was he gonna tell him the reason why without exposing himself.

"It's nothing. I was just really sick," tubbo replied.

"But why did you avoid me?"


"TUBBO!!" A voice yelled.

Tubbo looked up to see Niki rushing to him while holding onto Angie's hand.

"Hey, niki," he smiled.

"Come on, let's go inside!" Niki said, grabbing Tubbo's hand and running into the fair, leaving the others behind.

"Hey Angie?" Ranboo asked.

"Yea, Ran?"

"Is something wrong with Tubbo?"


"Are we gonna go in or what?" A voice next to Angie said.

"Oh right, sorry, Tommy."

As Tommy and Angie walked to the glowing sign, Ranboo couldn't help but wonder what was wrong with his best friend.

Hopefully, he thought that it was nothing serious.

☆P A R T III- C O M P L E T E☆

♧P A R T Ⅳ- ???

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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