chapter 08

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Isabelle's mood was a mess when she entered her office at Smith's Consulting Firm. Leandro's accusation appalled her. It was a good thing he assumed it was another man instead of finding out about Simon. Nevertheless, it irritated her.

If there was anyone who should be mad, it was Isabelle. As soon as he came out of prison, he had the audacity to invite over his ex-girlfriend. They could not even be discreet about their relationship and had openly smooched in front of her. Her heart had been wretched at that time.

Her mood dropped further when her father came in moments later.

"What's with the long face?"

"Nothing. I just had a small fight with Leandro this morning."

Her father hummed and took a sit in the couch. She vacated her office chair and made her way to the coffee pot. Knowing what he was about to say, she broke the silence and spoke.

"I'm filing for a divorce." She informed, bringing two cups of coffee to the small table.

Augustus reached for his, the saucer in one hand and the mug on the other, he crossed his legs before taking a sip.

"Dad, I know you disagree with my decision but—"

"What about Simon?"

She sighed. "I can raise him alone."

"Your son deserves to meet his father."

"Mom said the same thing."

"If he doesn't accept Simon, that's the only time I can allow this divorce." Augustus said with finality. He finished his coffee and left after reminding her to report him the progress of the projects assigned to her. As COO, she knew she's next in line. Thus, she was doing her best to learn everything, so she could qualify for the CEO position once her father retired.

She thought about her father's words for hours. For some reason, she was no longer convinced if divorcing Leandro was a good idea. After all, the reasons behind it—freedom and chance to truly move on—were selfish. She ought to think about Simon's wellbeing above all else. Even if it meant sacrificing her own happiness. Her parents were right. He deserved to know his father. But how could she tell him? If she did, would Leandro accept him?

"How's my beautiful sister doing?" Oli, her stepbrother by law, son of her stepmom Meredith came in several hours later. He was two years her senior and had been like a real older brother to her and to her younger sister Rebecca who just recently graduated from college. She was away on a trip with her friends, a graduation gift from their father.

When she was ten, her mother died of cancer, leaving her and Rebecca with their father. A few years later, Augustus met Meredith and Oli and they became family ever since.

Oliver Reid was appointed as Senior VP of Finance two years ago and she could not be happier to work with such a competent and smart man. Although, he was about to resign next month as he already built his own software company, and it was already thriving.

"I'm fine, thank you." She smiled. "What brought you here?"


"Oh shoot!" She exclaimed checking the time and realizing it's already past noon. Before they went out, she dropped by her father's office to ask him to join, but his secretary informed he was out to meet a big client.

Oli brought her to a restaurant just across the road. This was something that they often do as she had grown to love him and Meredith as if they were of real blood.

Besides, anyone would love them. Oli was a good-looking man with blonde hair, hazel-green eyes, good posture and masculine body, and a smart mind. During his college days, women flock to him and it was him who often rejected them. For some reason, he seldom dated. Probably, courtship was not his strong suit or maybe Oli's standards were set so high, that no woman was qualified enough. She never bothered to ask as she felt it was his personal life and it was none of her business. But she wished Oli would find someone soon.

LEANDRO'S REVENGE (DIVORCE # 1)Where stories live. Discover now