Chapter 6

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TW-abuse mentions

'' wake the fuck up .''
You heard banging on your door and you groaned as you swung your legs over the edge of your bed. Your room was dark and you didn't feel like flash banging yourself with the light so you managed to navigate around your room in the dark and you slowly walked to the door while rubbing your tired eyes. You heard banging again and you groaned, letting off an annoyed sigh.

'' alright im up stop fucking knocking on my door.''
You said loudly as you turned the knob and you were met with soap again.
'' wakey wakey time to get up you got work to do.''
Soap smiled giddy causing you to let out an unamused look towards him.
He was right , you did have work to do but you wished you didn't have to be women up in the most annoying way ever. He didn't even let your alarm go off being that he woke you about ten minutes early.
'' you have a balaclava mask ?.''
Soap said while eyeing the one you had worn to sleep.
'' mhm..''
You said tiredly.

'' welp time to get to work , meet at the rec room.''

'' alright get on with it mactavish...''

You watched as he walked off and you closed the door leaving you alone to be and get about your daily life and You got ready and you went into your bathroom and you looked in the mirror and sighed. You hated mornings but you had to get on with the day. You pulled off your balaclava and set it on the counter sink and you turned on the faucet and you grabbed your toothbrush , wetting it a little before putting toothpaste on it and sticking it in your mouth . 

As you brushed your teeth you stepped out of your bathroom and you went to your bag and you grabbed some black cargo with a dark navy blue shirt and you threw it on your bed . as you brushed your teeth you slipped off all your sleep wear and you put on your cargos and you slipped on your shirt . there was no need to put on a bra since your shirt had one built in already for you which worked like a charm . Once you were done doing that you went back to the bathroom and you spit out the toothpastes from your mouth and you rinsed off your tooth brush once you were done and put it back in its designated spot in the bathroom.

You walked back out the bathroom and you grabbed a pair of socks and you sat on your bed and lifted your leg to sit upon your knee and you slipped on your socks with ease. You grabbed your combat boots and slipped your feet in them and you reid the laces and made sure they were tight and secure. Once that was done you fixed your hair and you grabbed your main skull mask and you clipped it on and you were now ready for the day . you grabbed your keycard out of your dirty pants from the other day and you slipped it into your pants pocket .

Once you felt you had everything you stepped out of your room closing the door behind you and you walked down into the hallways and started heading to the rec room. You didn't understand why soap was always so giddy but sometimes it made you want to throw a brick at the man but soldiers like him made serving a little more bearable. You walked through the hallways swiftly and you came across the rec room and you took out your keycard and swiped it on the door to unlock it and you opened the door quietly to see soap sitting there with a bowl of cereal.

His eyes locked onto your and he gave a little smile and you gave a nod stepping into the room letting the door close behind you . you also saw that Ghost was there and it made you think about what had happened when you woke up last night to get some air. You stood quiet letting the silence sink in until it was broken by the man who was known for staying in the shadows.
'' you'll be training with me today  again .''
Ghost said bluntly as his eyes bored into yours.
'' uh alright.''
You said and you went to walk out of the room but you felt someone grab your wrist gently and you turned around to see it was soap. Ghost stared down soap as he made contact with you but he stood silent.

He didn't know what was up with him but he wanted soap to stay away from you , he could tell by the way soap was acting . Sop was more laid back than usual and ghost had noticed . He was angry a bit at himself for being like this but he didn't say anything but suffered in silence . He wasn't going to let this show to absolutely no one, being vulnerable towards people was not his specialty and he didn't want to start now because of someone he only met a few days ago.

Ghost was one bit to be messed with in the field. He was one who was feared by many yet he wasn't always that tough soldier we see. When no one is around or if he is in his room he lies awake at night haunted by his mind , his mind plaguing him causing him to fall into a deep hole.
He thought about his past often and he knew it wasn't his fault what happened but he sometimes beat himself up about it . You and him both had your extreme pasts but that doesn't make you any less of a human.

He went through rough shit at a young age , being abused by his father and brother . His father tormented him with animals and often abused him . He was buried alive once but not by his father but by an enemy . He got burned alive and had survived that traumatic experience as well but it had made him stronger in force but not mentality . On the inside he was scared and upset about everything that had happened.

You started down at soap and he pulled away from you, letting off a little 'sorry' at the end and quietly going back to what he was doing .
" I'll be heading to the training mats if that's where you want me to go now ."
You spoke as you slowly stepped out the door.
" It would be appreciated."
Ghost said quietly and deeply , his morning voice still being there and very prominent.

The dim light in the Rec room flickered a little but and soap shook his head.
" gotta call maintenance ."
He said in a low tone to himself.
" Anyways, uh reaper you're not gonna eat breakfast?."
Soap added on .
" I'm fine I'm not hungry ."
You spoke as your hand tapped on the frame of the door as you waited for the conversation to be stopped .
" Oh alright , I'll join you two for training later on or something but not sure ."
He spoke and you gave a nod .

" maybe ghosty boy over here will go easy on you."
Soap jokes.
" never in a million years."
Ghost said as he started to stir something .
" I bet he likes to be rough on the field but I guarantee you in other things as well."
You teased as you chuckled and left the room.

Ghost watched as you left the rec room and he felt his head cloud with thoughts . He smirked at what you had said before but quickly shook it off as soap looked towards thinking Mmmmmmm king about what you had said before you had left.
" What did she mean by that L.t?"
Soap smirked .
Ghost sighed .
" dunno but she's something else ."
He chuckled lightly at the end.

You finally arrived at the training area and you sat on one of the blue mats in there waiting for Ghost. You were about the only person in there so it  made you wonder  where everyone else is but then you remembered trainees must be outside in their barracks or they must be training outside . You sat against the cold brick wall waiting for him and you sat and played with the hem of your shirt.

You sighed but soon saw Ghost walk into the training room and you quickly stood up and brushed yourself off .
'' on the mat .''
He spoke sternly and you obliged and walked over to the mat in the middle of the room.
You stepped onto the mat and got into a ready position and you eyed Ghost.
'' ready when you are rookie...''
You smirked under your mask and ghosts gaze was unamused.

Ghost quickly charged at you and you moved out of the way and you kicked him in his back causing him to stumble forward a little . as he caught his balance he threw a right hook catching you in your arm and you winced as you felt the hard impact on your arm. You quickly threw a punch back and swung your leg up kicking him in his torso . He quickly grabbed your leg and he pushed you down and he pinned your arms above your head. Such a quick fight yet so heated at the same time .

his eyes bored into yours and you and him were both out of breath , you squirmed under him but that had only made his grip tighter on you. His legs restrained you from moving but this only made  you more eager to see what he would do but you werent gonna let him off easy. You quickly used your foot and kicked him between the soft spot of his ribs and he flinched to the side and leg go of you .

'' not bad luv .''
He teased as he got up .
'' i seen your going easy ..rookie .''
You tease back.

'' i never go easy luv ..''

A/n- okayyy so imma be updating every other day cause I have a lot of exams popping up and it's gonna be hell for the next few weeks cause of graduations and stuff but I just wanted to let y'all know in advance :)

Hidden secrets book 1, GHOST X FEM READER Where stories live. Discover now