First Encounter

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Seth woke up with a feeling of dread in his heart. It was going to be yet another hard year of bullying in school, which for him was nothing out of the ordinary. He wished he could just stay home, but he had no choice. He had to go. He got out of bed sluggishly and dragged his heavy bones to the bathroom. He started getting ready for the first day of junior year. "This year should probably be a bit better, right?" He then let out a loud sigh. He brushed his teeth and hair and left to drag himself back to his bedroom and put his outfit on.

Seth was wearing a gray hoodie and a pair of black jeans, which were both slightly old and faded since he was too busy working two jobs to afford new clothes. It was obvious that they were well worn since the fabric had patches on the elbows, and the jeans had faded to almost gray, too. Despite the fact that he was working two jobs, his parents still charged him rent, so he could barely afford the clothes he did have, let alone anything new.

He really just threw something together. He grabbed his glasses and his bag full of his old stuff. It was about an hour's drive from his house to the school. He wakes up really early to walk to the bus stop around 30 minutes away. He's fine with it, though. He hugs his mom and starts his journey to the bus stop.

He finally arrives at the bus stop. He pulls out his phone to look at the time, and he's around 10 minutes early. So he sits and pulls up a book from his phone. 

Roughly 10 minutes pass. 

He gets on the horrid-smelling bus. Then he puts his earbuds in, listening to BoyWithUke to try and distract himself from the loud, rowdy kids all around him. Most of the kids are ignoring him, but a group of bullies is yelling out insults and laughing at Seth. The bus ride can't end soon enough.

They arrive at the school for what seemed to be an eternity. Seth walks into the school, and instantly, all the kids around him start avoiding eye contact. They keep their heads down, and most of them hide behind their friends. They mutter insults behind their hands and call him names. "Look at that freak! What a weirdo!" They call out as he walks by, but he just keeps his head down and walks straight to class, ignoring all the taunting and insults. On his way to class, he bumps into a couple of kids falling onto the ground. "Of course.." he mutters under his breath. 

"What was that?" said one of the kids. Seth sighs then says, "Just get it over with already, please, I have a class to go to." The kids didn't like that but gave him what he wanted anyway. It seemed all like a blur, first one punch, then two, then kicks, and other ways of harming him. When the teachers were coming, they bolted. Seth just groaned and got up, looking around at the circle of kids around him. He grabbed his glasses and put them on. He then darted down the hallway before the teachers could lecture him for no reason.

The American school system sucks.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

Seth walks into math class, and the room is super busy. There are kids talking, laughing, yelling, and the classroom is packed with kids. There are barely even any open chairs. It's super crowded. Seth manages to find one and sits down near the back. It's one of those uncomfortable desk-chair combos, and the seat is super broken and wobbly. It's so busy that he can barely hear the teacher. He just sits there awkwardly and looks around the room.

Eventually, the teacher's voice manages to come through the chaos. "Alright, everybody! Settle down. We're doing introductions and rules today since it's the first day of junior year. So we'll go from the front to the back." A wave of relief came over him. He's going last. He mentally cheers, then remembers he still has to listen. Around 10 people introduce themselves, but he's not listening, though. He only listened to Felix's introduction. 

The only reason he did was because he almost fell over getting out of his chair. Clumsy much, huh? Felix then said, "Hey everybody! I'm Felix, the coolest person in this class, of course! I'd like to consider myself smart and popular. So come over and talk later!" He said it all with a beaming smile. Seth wondered how it was even possible to smile that wide. 

A couple more kids later, and it was his turn. He muttered curses under his breath. He stood up and choked out, "H-hi! I'm Seth, I l-like to draw and read. Uhh, I can help people w-with assignments if you need a-any help." He mustered up a smile at the end of all that. He glanced at Felix, and he thought he saw a spark in his eyes, he must've imagined it. The teacher then started to go over the rules. 

"Okay, you guys, now here's the rules. Remember: No fighting, no drugs, don't be late, and no chewing gum, if anyone's on their phone, it gets confiscated until the period is over, and if you get caught cheating it's an automatic zero. I don't want to be that teacher, but I'll kick you out if I have to. Okay? Now, anyone with questions, speak up, please." But no one seems to be listening, or if they are, they aren't showing it.

 Instead, the students continue to whisper about him. Some kids are even taking pictures of him while they hold their phones up like they're pretending they're reading their books. The teacher's not even paying attention to any of it. They just give Seth a disgusted face and avoid all eye contact with him. Seth's burning up. Everything starts to feel surreal, and his mind starts to get fuzzy. His vision is getting fuzzy and dark around the edges. He feels like he's slowly suffocating.

His breathing started to get heavier, and it felt like the world was closing in on itself. He started to hug his stomach and try to become as small as he could. The teacher noticed and said, "Mr. Miller, are you okay? If you need to go out into the hallway, just go." This was enough for Seth to snap out of it, and everything went to normal. 

At that time, the kids turned their phones off and pretended that everything was normal. The only one who seemed to care was Felix, which was weird. Why would he care about him? Seth focused his attention back on his concerned math teacher. Then he said, "Do you need to go to the restroom?" Without thinking Seth nodded, he had gotten out of his chair and quickly rushed out of the room to the restroom. 

Once he had arrived, the panic started to hit him. He can feel his heart racing, and his hands start getting sweaty. He's feeling dizzy, and it feels like the walls are caving in on him. He starts hyperventilating, and he's really fighting hard to calm down. He feels scared and alone, and he just wants to cry. He's trying so hard to calm down, but it's just not happening. His mind is racing, and his heart is beating so hard, and he just can't seem to control anything.

He finally starts to slip. The tears start to fall, and then within seconds, he's sobbing his eyes out. He's hyperventilating like he just ran a marathon. He starts whimpering, whining even. It's his first day, and he's sitting here having a panic attack. Pathetic. While he's over here crying and not being able to breathe, everyone back in class is learning. Stupid, pathetic, loser, and worthless. He can't of anything else to describe him right now. 

Curling up in a ball and crying, scratching at himself, the urge to grab his pencil Sharpener is strong. But he can't resist. Just as he's about to cut himself, someone comes in. They don't notice him, thank goodness. But that resets the room, the black fuzziness on his eyes. His crying, whimpering, clawing at himself, stopped too. Now he's just sitting there, just curled up like a ball. He's as quiet as an owl when the other boy is there, then he leaves. It happened in a flash. It takes a couple more minutes to recollect himself and temporarily fix his heart.

ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ

Hey, y'all! 

I don't even know why I'm writing author notes, Not many people are going to read this, maybe at max 50. So those of you who do see this, hello!

What do you guys think just in the first chapter?

If you guys want info cards or just info about the characters in general, you can comment here to let me know. 

I hope you guys enjoy the story if you stay (or I don't give up or get locked out of my account-). 

Have a great day/night :D

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