The Rivalry

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He returned back to class shortly after he calmed down and realized it was time to go. He went and gathered his things and stuffed them away into the abyss called his backpack. The bell rang and he looked at his schedule, he saw his next class was science. His favorite class! A sparkle in his eyes formed. He couldn't wait for science.

He arrived to see that there were a bunch of seats that were free! As he went to choose his seat a flood of kids flowed into the class. Suddenly, not so many seats were opened. Seth decided it was fine, mostly because he's indecisive. So he sat in the back of the room, where the broken chair was. He got out his books on his desk and thought it would be a good idea to scope out the room to see who he shared the class with. There weren't any people he recognized, except Felix and his crew. Seth mutters something under his breath, it sounded a lot like, I swear he's haunting me. or something along the lines of that. Then the teacher came in.

The teacher introduced himself to the class, "Okay, so my name is Mr. Admas and you can call me Adam! I'm going to go through this year's calendar and hand out the class schedule, but first I want to go through the school rules just to make sure everyone's on the same page. Please keep your attention on me if you would! I want everyone to understand how this school works and how important it is for you to keep to the rules in this school. The rules are to help keep you safe! So let's go over them now!"

Mr. Adams starts going through the typical school rules, things like not talking in class, no fighting, not cursing, always being on time, respecting your teacher and authority, keeping your phone off, etc. etc.

Then he stops and looks right at Felix to emphasize a specific rule.

"We also don't allow any kind of supernatural behavior here! I'm not sure if people your age believe in that stuff, but there's no such thing as ghosts and spirits and demons and any other nonsense like that here!"

Felix looks confused at first, but in his eyes you could see something spark, it felt a bit like guilt. Mr. Adams continues going through the rest of the class rules, no smoking, no booze, and some other stuff and then we get to the class curriculum and calendar. Soon enough, class is over, Seth wonders if it's even possible for time to move that fast. But it did, and now here he is, sitting in English class. Being told he's making a group project on the first day of school.

She starts pulling names for pairings, and as soon he thinks it couldn't get worse, it gets worse. He pairs with Felix. Seth is stunned, out of all the people, Felix? Ms. MungSaen stands up in class and begins to speak again.

"Okay, so today you're going to start your first big project of the year. It's a group project! As you know, I just drew names for this project. There's a few rules here to help you make the best decision!"

She then proceeds to go over the rules for the group project, things like making sure that they do an even distribution of the work, always give credit to their peers and never be dishonest about whose contributions were what etc. etc.

Seth is falling in and out of what Ms. MungSaen is saying. He hears the rules, procedures, and extra credit choices to do if you fail. Which is crazy that she's talking about that already! It's still the first day of school. He also heard that we can call her Ms. Mung. He glanced at Felix again, he was staring at him already, again. This time Seth decided to glare back. This seemed to startle him and he quickly looked back up at the board. Seth gave a slight chuckle.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

The rest of the day flew by like a paper airplane airborne. By the last class of the day he was worn out already. He wondered how people could do this and socialize, while keeping their reputation. He was looking at his paper doodling when announcements came on.

"Hello everybody! I hope you all have had a spectacular day at school!!" She continued, "as you all know we have dorms! We know some of you guys signed up for them too. So if you guys could come up to the office to get your dorm number after class that would be fantastic! We will show you around and go over the rules when you get there. Have a great day everyone!" She logged off leaving everyone in silence. Even the teacher looked stunned, then a kid blurted out, "Was that a student or teacher??" The teacher just shrugged and went back to teaching. Well, I guess Seth was going to the dorms after class.

He looked down and doodled again. Then the end of the day finally approaches, the final bell rings, and it's time to go and get his dorm assignment. Seth gets up and makes his way to the office after taking a moment to stretch as his back is a bit sore from sitting in that old broken chair all day. He somehow got a broken chair every class. He starts walking, still thinking about all the weird stuff that's happened today.

His thoughts are suddenly interrupted as out of the side of his eye he catches sight of Felix again. He pretends he doesn't see him and just keeps walking.

Seth keeps his head down while walking through the labyrinth called the school hallway. He only glances up a few times, each time still seeing Felix. He eventually made it to the office waiting in line for his dorm number. But he and Felix were the farthest class away from the office so they were both last. Wait, Felix was here too? Just as he thought he could finally get out of class and get away from Felix, here he is. Signing up for dorms. Just like how he's doing, well at least it can't get any worse.

He was wrong.

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Soo, thoughts? 

Hope you guys liked it :)

And also. Did you do something with your hair? It looks wonderful!

Have a great night/day! :D

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