Chapter One

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Chapter One

"You're free to go, Ruby. Business has been slow lately," Mr. Sully says to me as I'm taking a loaf of bread out of the oven.

   "Thanks," I smile and put the tray of bread on the counter.

   I've been working at Mr. Sully's bakery for years now and unfortunately for him, business has become slower and slower. I fear that I'll lose my job soon, so I've been looking for a new one. I believe that I'm more of a pain to him than help these days.

   "Well I'm heading over to the bar, Mr. Sully. I'll try to bring some customers your way," I say happily.

   He gives me a sweet smile that lights up his old face. Mr. Sully is probably in his late fifties or early sixties. His hair and beard had become gray and he's also developed a lot of wrinkles. Of course, those came with old age, but I've known him a long time and he's always had the same sweet smile.

   I wave him goodbye and head out to the Nottingham Bar. It's small and quite frankly, a nasty place, full of drunk men and desperate women, but it's the only bar in the White Kingdom.

   I never go to the bar to drink, I'm not too fond of alcohol, but I do go there almost every night to flirt with James.

   James Nottingham is an odd man. He was in my classes at school growing up and I've always had the smallest crush on him. James is cute, charming, and brave.

   He's so brave that he even took the position of Queen Snow's sheriff.

   His characteristics weren't the only things I liked about him though, he's the prettiest man I've ever seen.

   Even growing up, he was cute, all of the girls ran to him, begging to get a piece of James. It may have been his sweet caramel eyes, or maybe even his matching caramel hair that drew those girls in. But for me, I was always attracted to his body. The muscles and six-pack he had were proof that he could overcome anything that stood in his way and proof that he valued himself enough to obtain them.

   I usually get lost in thoughts about James. He's got a good personality and a good body.

   Who could blame me?

   Finally, after the walk across town, daydreaming about James, I reach the bar. I take a deep breath before entering his father's bar, just praying that he's here today.

   When I open the door, I take a look around and finally see him behind the bar, giving an old drunk his daily glass of whiskey.

   "Oh look who it is, my favorite gemstone!" James says and laughs at me.

   Ever since we were little, he gave me the stupid nickname of gemstone as a play on my name since apparently rubies are some sort of gemstone. I've never seen a ruby before so I wouldn't know, but I just let him go with it.

   "Oh and there he is, the brave little sheriff," I say and mock his job, even though I think it's hot.

   "You know you like that I'm the sheriff," he winks.

   "Whatever you think," I say and roll my eyes while sliding into one of the barstools.

   "You finally gonna get a drink today, Ruby?" he asks.

   I just smile at him. "Nope."

   I'm no drinker at all I hate alcohol, especially since it nearly ruined my brother's life. I've never taken a sip and I don't plan on it.


   "So just your usual, strawberry lemonade?" James asks.

   I nod and smile.

   He goes under the cabinet and starts brewing up my usual drink. He grabs a bottle of wine.

   "You sure you don't want some alcohol? It'll taste so much better," James says with his light brown eyes wide open.

   "James! No!" I laugh.

   "Why don't you two stop flirting and get a fucking room already?" a drunk man to my left slurs.

   "I'll get you a room," a promiscuous woman says as she comes up to us, "But only if you pay for it."

   Interactions like this happen all the time so I don't bat an eyelid at it. Honestly, I respect the woman's hustle. She has to do what she has to do but I just hope I don't end up like her when Mr. Sully eventually lets me go.

   I look at James and he just rolls his eyes as the two of them leave the bar. He finally finishes making my lemonade and hands it to me.

   "Strawberry lemonade, no alcohol, just the way you like it," he smiles.

   Before I take the drink, I head to the restroom. I haven't had a chance to look at myself today and I just hope I look good enough for James.

   In the mirror, a girl with tangled dark brown hair, soft eyes, and olive skin looks back at me. I'm wearing a black shirt, black jeans, and black lace-up boots. It may seem grim having such a dark wardrobe but I have to stay as hidden as possible, I can't be parading around in the red cloak I used to wear.

   "So what's a girl like you doing here in a nasty old bar?" a voice says to me the second I exit the bathroom.

   It's a boy probably around the same age as James and I. He's wearing a hooded cloak that covers the majority of his face, but I can get a glimpse of his bright red hair. I've never seen him before, I wonder who he is and why the hell he's trying to talk to me.

   "I'm just enjoying my Thursday afternoon. What's a hooded figure like you doing lurking around the ladies' room?" I reply with a smug smile.

   "Woah, woah, I'm not trying to be a creep," he smiles.

   I can't see his eyes but his wide grin makes me nervous. To me, I think he is being a creep.

   "Ruby?" I hear James call.

   Whew, thank goodness for him.

   I need an excuse to get away from this mysterious man.

   I walk back to the barstool and sit down.

   "There's some creep lurking around in the bathroom, you may want to check him out," I warn James.

   "Was it a man wearing a hood?" he asks.

   "Um, yeah, I think he was a ginger."

   "Robin Hood," James whispers coldly.

   I've never heard this name before but it sends chills down my spine.

   James runs from behind the bar to the restroom.

   "Robin Hood! You can't run away this time!" he yells.

   Now I'm really curious. Who is this Robin Hood and what crimes has he committed? I know James is acting as bartender right now but I can tell his sheriff side has come out.

   I follow James inside the restroom and it's clear that the window has been broken and the creepy Robin Hood has climbed out.

   "Shit. This isn't good, we need to capture him!" James yells.

   He runs out of the restroom and to the front of the bar. He runs out the door and into the mystical Enchanted Forest.

   I'm standing in the door frame of Nottingham Bar, wondering what to do. Should I just stay here, or should I participate in the chase?

   "You coming, Ruby?" James yells as he gets farther and farther away.

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