Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

The five of us are on our way to Wonderland and I can sense the border coming up. To my surprise, good memories of Grandma's house are flooding through my mind, not the ones of Clawd trying to eat me.

Cameron and I make our way to Grandma's house with a big basket of cookies from Mr. Sully's bakery.

   "Are you excited to see Grandma?" my brother asks me excitedly.

   "Yes!" I exclaim and cling to the basket.

   Cameron knocks on her door and I can tell he's just as excited as I am.

   "Come in!" Grandma cheers and opens the door.

   She hugs us and my heart flutters. Grandma has the best hugs and I wish I could hug her forever.

   "So, how is your mother?" she asks Cameron and I.

   I haven't seen much of Mom in a while so I just let Cameron do the talking.

   "Um, she's good," he lies. "She has been drinking but nothing I can't handle. Ruby's been strong for all of it though, she's a good kid. I definitely wouldn't have been able to deal with the things she's dealt with at her age."

   His words make me blush. I'm only seven but I am strong. Mom may not be around but I have my older brother here to take care of me. He's the best older brother anyone could ask for. I don't want him to leave either.

"Robin! Robin!" I exclaim.

   "Yeah?" he asks and pulls me in for a side hug and kisses on the forehead.

   "Cameron used to be a good person. He used to be sweet," I say.

   It's taken me a long time to realize it, but Cameron is a changed man. Before his crazy outbursts and abuse, he was a sweet older brother. I think getting Hansel and Gretel dropped off on his doorstep was what caused his anger. But now he has Goldilocks and I think she has helped ease his anger.

   Cameron has taken steps to apologize for everything and now remembering what he used to be like, I'm ready to forgive him.

   "Ruby, that's kind of random," Robin laughs.

   "I know, I know. But I just remembered because we're here and almost in Wonderland. Grandma used to live here and I had a lot of great memories with my brother. He's a good person. He is," I say.

   Robin just laughs at me and squeezes me tighter.

   I know he probably thinks I'm crazy just randomly thinking about my brother, but I know I'm right. Cameron has changed and I'm ready to forgive him.

   "Hey you two, we've almost reached the border," Eddie calls out.

   The three travelers are way ahead of us, letting Robin and I share some sweet moments alone.

   Robin smiles, takes my hand, and jogs over to the travelers.

   "I don't know about you guys but we like smoking mushrooms, we're gonna take a break to do so. You're more than welcome to join us," Teddie says.

   I see Robin's dazzling green eyes light up. "Hell yeah!" he says excitedly.

   He looks at me and I drop his hand.

   "Um, I don't know. I've never done it before," I say.

   I've heard of the infamous Wonderland Mushrooms and I know they're just like alcohol. They both cause your mind to get hazy and then one thing leads to the next. Abuse, pain, all of it arises when drugs and alcohol are involved and I don't want any part of it.

   "Ruby, mushrooms are different from alcohol. You're gonna be fine. I promise I'm not going to do anything to hurt you. I promise you'll be fine," Robin tries to assure me.

   The musketeers all nod along with Robin.

   "Um, okay," I say.

   The five of us sit down next to a giant mushroom which is ironic, and we start to smoke.

   I inhale the mushroom, then exhale the smoke out.

   I'm not feeling anything instantly so I just keep hitting the joint. It's kinda fun just inhaling and exhaling, it feels pointless but I like it.

   "Oh look, a little smoking party." I hear a girl whisper. "Can we join?" she asks.

   I turn and look to see two gorgeous girls wearing what looks like to be ballerina tutus. One has beautiful olive skin with dark hair and eyes. The other girl looks just like her but with lighter features, blonde hair, and blue eyes.

   "Hell yeah, the more the merrier," Eddie says and passes them two joints.

   All of us introduce ourselves, the musketeers tell their stories and the two girls tell us that their names are Odile and Odette and they are in fact, ballerinas.

   "So what about you two?" Odile the brunette ballerina asks Robin and me.

   Robin and I look at each other and just laugh. Our story is complicated. It's obvious that we really care for each other but it's seriously only been like two months of knowing each other. And for a whole month, Robin was in a holding cell. So realistically, we've only known each other for a few weeks.

   "Um, we just live in the White Kingdom," I say.

   The rest of the group just nods and doesn't ask questions. I'm glad Robin doesn't have to explain that he's an ex-thief and that I don't have to tell them that I've been through a lot of trauma and the only person who helped me was Robin.


Hours pass of telling stories with the group and it's fun.

   My mind is slowly going insane but I don't mind. I know Robin's right by my side and he promised nothing will happen to me.

   "So, Ruby, tell us your story. Like, the full thing." Freddie says and blows smoke in my face.

   "Well when I was little, my brother had two affairs that led to babies and he left me to take care of them," I laugh.

   "You stupid bitch, Ruby! Make this fucking baby shut up!" Cameron yells and throws a bottle at me.

   "And then I wanted to run away because it was all too much and I got lost in the woods. A wolf tried to eat me," I explain.

   "My, grandma, what big teeth you have," I whisper.

   "The better to eat you with!" Clawd growls then jumps at me.

   "Oh and then I was in love with the kingdom's sheriff but he was an asshole."

   "Fuck you, Ruby," James whispers in my ear as he has me in a chokehold.

   "But now I have Robin, and I don't ever want to let him go," I smile at the group.

   I take Robin's hand then he plants a quick kiss on my lips. His kiss is like a cure.

   None of the horrible memories are in my head, just the thought of this ginger boy I've fallen for.

   "Ah, Ruby, that is so sweet. You and Robin are adorable. I love that for you," Odette slurs and falls over.

   The rest of us laugh at her.

   Tonight has been fun and I like it. I'm glad I've been able to just wind down and take a break. And it has opened my eyes to Robin. I do like him.

   I like him a lot.

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