Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

After our little kiss in the woods, Robin and I quickly make our way over to the bakery and let the real action begin.

   Since the bakery is all mine now, Robin and I might as well give it a little housewarming gift.


   I don't know if it's disrespectful to Mr. Sully to do the things I'm doing with Robin right now but I don't care. I know Mr. Sully would approve of me dating Robin so whatever.

   I try to push the thoughts aside.

   Robin lifted me on the bakery counter and I knocked over all of the bread. But we don't care.

   "Do you wanna take your pants off or should I?" Robin whispers.

   "You can do whatever you want to me," I smirk and let him take off my pants, and then my underwear.

   My face and throat are hot compared to my cold fingers that are clasping onto the counter for dear life. Once Robin has gotten my lower half naked and dives in, a big spark fills my body and I'm craving more sparks.

   Robin starts clawing at me and has turned into a vicious animal down there but I love every second of it.

   "Robin!" I whimper.

   He just smiles and digs his claws deeper and deeper into me.

   After a while of beautiful pleasure from him, I get up from the counter and use all of my body strength to lift him on the counter.

   "Your turn," I whisper.


After the two of us are out of breath, we clean up and officially reopen this bakery for business. I show Robin how to make some bread and he's surprisingly good at it.

   I can imagine the two of us living a nice life together running the bakery and making sweet memories. But I have to remind myself that we still don't know each other too well, I need to stop fantasizing about a future that's probably not going to happen.

   While the two of us are baking bread, I hear the little bell on the door jingle.

   Oh my goodness, our first customer!

   I turn around and of course, it's not a customer, it's freaking James.

   I open my mouth and start to say something but before I do, James starts talking.

   "Look, Ruby, before you say anything, please just hear me out."

   I roll my eyes and just let him talk. I don't care for what he's going to say. I don't need him, I have Robin with me.

   "I just want to say sorry for everything. I didn't mean to lash out at you. You are a good person and you didn't deserve what I did. I liked you a lot and I blew it. I know I've lost you to Robin Hood and I seriously don't deserve you. And I'm sorry for everything. I wish you and Robin the best, you two deserve each other. You're both good people," James says.


   I didn't expect any of that from him. James apologizing for everything, didn't see it coming but I'm not mad at it. James and I did share some good moments but we also shared some bad ones.

   Although he was my little crush throughout school, he still hit and choked me.

   "Well, thanks, James. That's nice of you to say. I forgive you for everything you've done," I say.

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