Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

It's been a week and a half since James and I kissed and we've shared plenty more.

   Right now we're in the bar and he's closing up shop. We've just pushed all the drunk people out, leaving them to stumble around the streets of the White Kingdom.

   Once everything is clean and the bar is officially closed, James grabs my waist and pulls me in for a kiss. His tongue is deep in my mouth, almost down my throat, and it's all a bit too much for me but I don't care, I like James. A lot.

   "So you're still on for that wedding tomorrow?" I ask as I pull away, then I catch my breath.

   He nods and starts sucking on my neck.

   "Okay, cool," I smile then lean in and kiss the top of his head. "I'll see you then."

   James just smirks and tightens his grip on my waist. "Who said it was okay for you to leave?"

   "It's late, James," I whine but don't fight back when he picks me up and places me on the bar counter.

   "I don't care, Ruby," he replies then starts to suck a deep hickey into the bottom of my neck.

   I motion for him to take off my shirt and he takes no time to do so. James continues to suck on my neck, making me moan.

   "Oh, James," I whisper.

   He smiles at me, grabs my small body, and places it on the entire countertop of the bar. I hear glasses of alcohol break and crash on the ground, but it seems that neither of us cares.

   James kisses my bare stomach and starts to kiss lower and lower.

   "James!" I yelp and tug on his hair.

   This doesn't make him stop, he just keeps kissing harder and harder, lower and lower.


The next day comes faster than I expected and I wake up in the Nottingham Bar. I'm on the nasty cold floor and cuddled up next to James.

   What the hell happened?

   "James!" I say and start pushing him, hopeful that he'll wake up.

   "Yeah, my gemstone?" he says and barely lifts his eyes open.

   I can't believe he's unfazed by lying on this nasty bar floor.

   "James! Get up! It's Cameron's wedding day. If I want to make amends with him, we have to go now," I say frantically and get up.

   James just rolls over, back on the cold floor, and goes back to sleep.

   "Wake up James!" I yell. "I'm starting to think you were just trying to fuck me then leave me," I whisper.

   Last night was a little foggy for me but I know for a fact that this man was inside of me.

   "Woah, woah, woah there Ruby," James says and sits up. "I was not using you. Why would I use the girl I've had a crush on since grade school?"

   I blush.

   Has he really liked me since we were kids?

   "Ruby, I swear I wasn't using you. I'm practically in love with you," he says and stands up.

   "Really?" I smile.

   "Yes, of course, now come on, we have a wedding to get to," he smiles and takes my hand.

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