Chapter 1: The Beginning After The End (Tess's Perspective)

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The world is silent.... too silent....

It's night, I lay wide awake in my bed... the world feels so empty all of the sudden... so silent, my parents aren't snoring loudly anymore... which they usually do. I pick up my phone from my nightstand and I decide to do my daily commissions on Genshin Impact, thinking nothing of the silence.

All of the sudden I get an alert.... "What?". I am confused by the alert... "A zombie virus?" I say confused. I run down the stairs to alert my family but then, all of the sudden, I hear groans coming from my sister's room. "Oh No.... No, no, no... shit!...." I am nervous and sad... I just lost my sister to this stupid virus... I go inside her room to check on her and then I see it.... My parents and my sister... All are infected by the virus. The virus spreads rapidly through the body or so it seems. I close the door and put as much as possible in front of it to prevent them from escaping the room and getting to me as I prepare for my escape. I messaged my friends for help but they didn't respond... are they asleep... or undead? I decided that I didn't want to take the risk by going to them... I can't imagine seeing them in a state like that.

I go to my room again, crying about the discovery I just made, and build up my bow, I pick up every arrow I can find and pack some clothing... I have to get out of here. I run downstairs again and grab everything edible and what I could use to protect myself like knives, ropes, scissors, bandages, and my medicine.

I go outside and It's still night, I hear some groaning and weird sounds from the streets and screams from the houses as I run away from my house, and run away from this chaos. I am very confused... "How could a virus like this start?" I thought to myself, trying to keep as quiet as possible. Luckily, it isn't too active here... and I am happy about that.

I suddenly look at my side as I hear groaning... Could it be? And yes. there it is a zombie, already fully transformed by the virus. It seems to be out for me. I grab my bow and put an arrow on it, I pull the string back and... shoot it into its chest, right in its heart... It didn't seem to do anything so I panicked, I put another arrow on my bow and I aim for its head now. It noticed me so I have to act quickly, I shoot it in the eye and it falls to the ground.... It's dead now... I am relieved by this. "So you kill them by damaging their brain? Interesting... I'll make sure to take note of that". I put the bow on my back and grab my notes and a pen and start writing my observations. I get the arrows out of its body and I clean them before I put them back in my quiver.

I suddenly get another notification "A meet-up spot for survivors? Where?... Wait... Oh no... Washington DC!? But.. I am in the Netherlands.. the other side of the Ocean. Shit, I have to get to a boat then.."

And there I go... to the coast to get a boat, the virus is also active there and a lot more than where I live, I run on the docks and go to someone with a boat. I finally find someone and call out to him "Mister! Mister! Yeah, you there! Oh no..." He is also infected.. the virus seems to spread slowly though, not fast like what happened with my family. "I'm sorry mister but I have to do this" I grabbed my knife and stabbed him so he could die peacefully instead of suffering from the virus. I run on the boat and figure out how it starts. I start it and take notes on the controls, I am on my way to Washington DC.

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