Chapter 1: The Beginning After The End (Liam's Perspective)

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for me, it began on a walk

I had just been to the shop and gotten some stuff for dinner, I went alone. Mom and Dad said it would be good for my anxiety, but I was too anxious to say no to it so there I was.

I was walking home when I noticed someone walking funny, they were limping I think and they had dark greenish skin. They didn't see me and I just kept on walking.

I got to my house and saw my sister was back from her playdate at a friend's. For some reason she fell ill she grew a dark color, had a rash on her arms, was overheating, and came down with a great fever.

"Oh Liam you're back" my mother greeted me as I walked in, "Your sister upstairs she's gotten ill, I don't want you catching it so stay out of her room ok?"

"Ok," I nodded.

My mother then got a message and read it, when she finished she looked scared and went over to my dad,

"Harry, come here"

"What's up?" He read the message and grew scared too.

"What?" I asked,

"Liam go watch TV"

"Ok" I left them alone, and they chatted in the hallway, I couldn't make out what they were saying but they sounded frantic.

 They went upstairs to my sister and I checked my phone and saw the message, my jaw dropped.

[Breaking News: A virus has been unleashed, causing people to turn into zombies. Symptoms include extreme hunger and an insatiable need to bite others. There is currently no cure; anyone who is affected will turn.

Beware of the symptoms of the infection, please isolate yourself from others if you are infected, and note the following changes: rash and/or a rising fever. Overheating and coughing up blood, Loss of motor control. Loss of color in skin Bruising and/or rashes, boils, and/or cysts.

Stay indoors and do not invite anyone into your home. Do not try to contact anyone who has been infected. All survivors please pack supplies and regroup at the nearest radio tower.]

"This is fake," I said, my heart starting to beat fast, "isn't it". What happened next would give me the answer.

I heard a scream from upstairs and a thud. Then I heard what sounded like a chase from my sister's room. My dad came running down the stairs but then a small figure jumped on him and began ripping him apart.

My heart was beating, tears were falling and I froze, I froze when I saw it was my sister who was ripping him apart.

"L-LUCY??!!" Lucy looked at me, those eyes of hers were dead, I began to back away as she just stared at me with that blank expression. She then began running at me, which wasn't very fast, and I ran too. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed two knives purely out of instinct.

I wouldn't do that but my instincts sure did.

Lucy ran in and went straight for me. I fell as she jumped at me, I dropped the knives and Lucy got on top of me trying to bite my face off.

I held her back by her shoulders and managed to push her off. I got up and got the knives again, I was shaking a lot now.

"Fuck, fuck this isn't happening" I recited. Lucy got back up and chased me again, I threw back the knife and without even looking, I stabbed Lucy straight through the side of her face.

I cried hard and began hyperventilating, Lucy fell to the floor.

I gasped and screamed as blood began rushing out the side of her head onto the tile floor. It was black.

I stood there unsure of what to do just crying and breathing shakily.

I decided to leave the house and ring for help. I dialed emergency services but there was no answer. Had they been taken over by these zombies?

Then I realized that more zombies would probably come so I got some things like a backpack to store food and water and I got some family photos.

I left through the garage as I knew I could find some weapons in there, not guns but something.

I found a few golf clubs I could take with me, and a few other little things.

I walked down the street to find someone else but I ran into a bunch of zombies instead, I started to cry again and my anxiety grew to the highest I could.

As they came towards me I grabbed the golf club without thinking and I bashed and hit the zombies with it.

My eyes widened as I realized I just killed those zombies. I was a little proud of myself not gonna lie but still terrified.

I ran into the forest to get away from the majority of zombies.

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