Chapter 1: The Beginning After The End (Aros's Perspective)

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I was sitting in my older sister's car, waiting for her when the whole zombie thing started. Which by the way IS NOT FUN! Like I'd watched tons of zombie shows and thought I knew what to do. But when I got the notification on my phone about the infection my eyes widened, and I dropped my phone. I looked through all the symptoms. The one that caught my eye was "Loss of Color in Skin" by My sister. Her face had looked very pale over the past hour or so. And maybe she'd had a bit of a fever...But that didn't mean she was infected did it...? I closed my eyes and took a breath, and after a minute I opened my eyes again. I frowned, it'd been ten minutes since my sister left to get her purse. Was she okay? I was tempted to go look for her when a message popped up. It read, RUN!! It was from my sister. I sat there frozen in place for a moment. Then, and I'm not sure why. I grabbed my sister's keys, turned on the car, on attempted to drive. Now I'm not a good driver. Especially not under pressure. So I'll spare the long description of this part. Long story short, made it about a mile, and the bird ran out into the road. I crashed. I lifted my head, blood spilling from a huge gash in my head and smaller cuts on my hands and legs. Looking around after a moment I saw I was in a small park. Not the fun kind with stuff to play on I may add. I took a moment. Not to process the pain or what to do. To cry. A lot. It took about ten minutes and the only reason I stopped was because of the shrieks, coughs scream for help from someone I couldn't see. I managed to pull myself from the car. My injury's more apparent now. I had to bite my tongue in order not the yell out in pain. I saw the person who was screaming, a young woman, yelling for help, and coughing blood. I froze. My brain was yelling for me to run but I just couldn't. I looked towards the Jeep. I opened the trunk. My sister was the type of person who liked hunting. I found a bow and hunting knife. I took them and ran.

I only stopped when I couldn't hear anyone. Which I suppose wasn't too far. I tried to think of what to do. What could I do? I sat down, my back along a tree trunk, and tried to think. I looked around. I should go back to my house. I thought. **I have food and other things there. But out here? Nothing.** I sighed, how was I supposed to get home anyways? Walking would take a while and if their things attacked me? Forget it. I'd be dead or infected before I knew it. I wiped tears from my face and properly looked at my wounds. A few bruises and cuts on my hands, one on the left side of my face, and a lot of small bruises and scratches on my legs. I sighed, well if I had to be in an apocalypse then I'd rather not die from something boring like sitting here and very, very slowly bleeding out. I also had another question, could zombies smell blood? I didn't want to find out. Who would? I pulled myself together and dried my eyes for the last time. I sighed, I knew I couldn't do anything with a bow but who knows when I'll need it.

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