Chapter 2: Thoughts (Tess's perspective)

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The sea... it makes me sick...

The first day I spent on the sea was horrible, I never thought I would be so seasick. It's not like I have any other choice though, so I will have to just deal with it for a while longer. Atleast I can listen to some music to distract myself from my nausea and that horrible headache I have from not sleeping well, I don't want to stay still on the sea in the middle of nowhere while I'm asleep ofcourse, I might wash away to the shores again and those infected things might try to infect me too. I'm lucky that I thought of packing some Red Bull and Monster... I normally don't really drink energy drinks because they're from my sister, but they really come in handy right now, the only downside is that my backpack is huge and very heavy so it's harder to run with it. Not that I would want to run with all those energy drinks... they would just explode and create a huge, sticky mess.

I'm singing and slightly dancing in place to keep myself just a little bit entertained and energized... there's nothing around me but water, I'm lucky there's a phone charger in this boat. If there wouldn't be one I would've died of boredom already. I decided to go for a little break and stopped the boat, I grab some bread that I luckily prepared beforehand and start to eat... and all of the sudden I hear a knock on the door and a groan... I immediatly stand up and grab my knives for what's about to come. I wait for it to break the door open and come inside, if it breaks the door open it will already be weakened if it comes in, so that I have the upper hand.

It's already a few minutes later. It's still not done breaking in the door. Is it purposly doing that to save strength and is it actually smarter than I thought? Or is it just too weak to even break in an already slightly rotten wooden door? These questions have been flooding my mind these minutes. Why is it not breaking in? I have decided to just wait and I have my guard up the entire time, I don't want it to surprise me with an attack after all. And then, after a few seconds the door finally breaks. The entity before me is only half infected so it should still have some consciousness. I grip the knife tight and charge at it, it dodges..... It must still be pretty conscious to be able to dodge such an attack. I decide to get some distance from it and throw the knife at its head, it dodges again!? What is this guy? Some kind of supernatural being?? It isn't human anymore but it's still surprising that it's so alert and reacts to everything.... I have a feeling this fight will be pretty hard compared to my last one. Shit.

I grab the ropes and I try to get closer it. It doesn't let me get closer and is constantly trying to bite me. Do I also get infected when I touch it? It's better to not find that out, so I put the ropes away and try to think what to do now. "What to do? What to do?" I say to myself in frustration. I'm shaking right now since I have no way out, for now atleast... I'm on the verge of tears and I have the urge to scream out for help but I'm all alone with this... thing, on a boat in the middle of the ocean. It's not like I could have gone with a plane or something since there would be too much of these infected things to even let them fly the planes! What if there were more of those things on the plane, infecting everyone on it because no one would really know that there are infected people on there until the infection starts to spread.

I step back a bit I grab a knife again. "It's now or death," I tell myself as I throw myself at it...

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