In Which Snufkin Discloses

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Snufkin was having a better day, and daytime was easier on him anyway. He decided he would pay a proper visit to Moomin to try to make up for how odd he had been. Snufkin wanted to be cautious of creating the impression that he wanted distance . Quite the opposite. If anything, he needed more closeness than he ever did previously, though he grappled with how to get around the need to interact with people.

But Moomin was safe. Moomin would tolerate prolonged quiet and a lack of fuss even though he did not like it very much.

So they sat together, tips of ears and hat just barely visible above the reeds fencing in their spot by the water. Moomin mused, but did not mention, that they could get up to all sorts of things while hidden in it. Snufkin didn't seem keen on doing anything like that, instead busying his hands with whittling, though he didn't seem to be doing much beyond simply shaving the piece of wood in his hands down to nothing.

"Was there anything you wanted to do today?"

"Not really," Snufkin said, looking in Moomin's direction but not quite looking at him. "I just wanted to spend time together."

"Oh," Moomin said, rather proudly. "Well, it's quite nice to do that, too."

Snufkin's mouth, just barely visible under the brim of his hat, tightened into a smile.

"I know I've been distant, but I'm glad that you're here. It'," he paused and looked at the dwindling, knobbly stick in his hands and turned it over a few times as if he was examining it, "...troublesome, to be alone with my thoughts."

Moomin wasn't sure how to respond. He had known Snufkin was struggling but had no clue as to why. He knew not to pry. Even if he wasn't privy to any of the goings-on, however, he thoroughly enjoyed the validation of knowing his presence was wanted. Helpful, even.

"You know," Snufkin broke the silence with some hesitation, as the sound of tumbling water and birdsong had been wonderful, "perhaps you could come stay in the tent for the night, if you're so inclined."

"Oh!" Moomin said again, but rather eagerly this time as he wondered about the implications of Snufkin's offer. "Yes, I'd quite like that. Would you want to come up to the house for dinner?"

Snufkin hummed in thought, shaving away several flakes of wood, whatever vision he had for his carving still not becoming any clearer for it.

"No, but we could take our dinner down at the campsite. I could cook for us."

"I'm sure Mamma would be happy to feed you, even if you don't come up to the house."

"I certainly have no objection to that."

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Empty dishes long abandoned and tucked aside, they crawled eagerly into the tent together, nuzzling their snouts and letting their paws wander. Snufkin always enjoyed the way Moomin's paws would drag along his back, and Moomin...well, it felt nice to touch Moomin just about anywhere, with his soft, dense, velvety coat. It felt like rabbit, though bits of his winter coat were still coming loose.

Snufkin wasn't sure why, but he hazarded a kiss on the very end of Moomin's muzzle. Moomin made a contented little noise and allowed his paws to drift along Snufkin's side, apparently feeling bold. Snufkin noted their direction but allowed it, not keen to deprive himself of something that felt nice.

When Moomin's paws began teasing at the waist of his pants, however, Snufkin's own paws immediately went to Moomin's wrist. Rational thought was gone and all he knew in that moment was that everything needed to stop.

Moomin immediately backed away to give Snufkin his space. Snufkin, in turn, released his grip on Moomin, pushing himself up and sitting with his back mostly turned.

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