In Which Snufkin is Loved

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A thunderstorm threatened to cover the valley, but Snufkin still invited Moomin along to the beach. Knowing that nobody else would bother going there meant it felt like a perfect time to comb for shells and unique stones for Mamma's garden beds.

As the wind picked up and Snufkin got tired of sand being blown into his boots, they decided to slowly work their way back to the house, briefly stopping in a field. Snufkin removed his hat, tucking it under his arm to keep it from blowing away. They stood there in pleasant silence, feeling the wind force its way through their hair and fur and watching the dark grey-green clouds on the horizon slowly creep towards them.

Moomin looked over to get a proper look at Snufkin and noted the far off expression. Thinking deeply as usual, with that same sad look on his face that Moomin had come to expect. There was something new there, however. A glimmer of determination, perhaps.

Moomin was unsure of himself as he did so, but he reached over and placed an encouraging paw on Snufkin's shoulder. Snufkin wordlessly looked over and smiled. Nothing was said between the two of them, but it was understood. Moomin was there for him. Moomin accepted him. Moomin loved him as a complete person, for all of his charm and all of his flaws. He remained Moomin's most treasured friend.

Snufkin reached up to take Moomin's paw in his own, and they stood like that for a while.

The mood was broken by the first drops of rain reaching them, at which point they broke off to run home. Mamma piled the shells and stones from their pockets on the veranda to place in the garden when the storm cleared.

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They listened to the rain thundering on the roof just above them, tangled together under the covers. Moomin's paws idly moved across Snufkin's back, which, after coming in from the storm with a soaked smock and boots, felt absolutely wonderful. Taking their dinner sitting on the floor next to the stove had been pleasant, but Moomin's touch was all the more comforting. It had been sorely missed.

"I was thinking about what you said," Snufkin mumbled into the fur around Moomin's neck. Moomin swiveled his ears to hear him better. "About things that we can do. Safe things."

"Oh?" Moomin sounded eager, but also like he was being cautious not to come off as too eager. It had been a long time, and the subject made Snufkin very nervous. He wanted to approach it politely.

"What did you have in mind?"

"Well," Moomin said cautiously. "We've got our paws, of course..."

"Of course." They had done quite a bit with paws. That was always a solid standby.

"And our mouths..."

Snufkin had never done that before. He was aware of it, though it didn't sound particularly appealing for him to be doing it.

"Perhaps if you do it," Snufkin said sheepishly.

"It's up to you," Moomin replied, nothing hidden in it. Moomin's paws gently trailing up his back again took Snufkin's focus, and he intently followed their path up to his neck, noting that they had slipped under his suspenders. Snufkin groaned contentedly and pressed his thighs together. "But if you want to try it," Moomin continued, "then I would certainly like to do it for you."

Moomin was waiting for permission, he realized. Snukfin thought about it for a while. He definitely felt eager, and this would be his idea anyway.

"Go on," Snufkin said quietly. Moomin carefully slipped those suspenders over Snufkin's shoulders, though the two of them paused to disentangle themselves. Snufkin allowed himself a rare giggle, and then rolled onto his back out of habit. Moomin stared intently at his paws, braced on Snufkin's hips.

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