Their First Date

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Luna woke up and remembered 'Oh Sol is supposed to come today and be lovey with me' a warm queasy feeling overwhelmed Luna's body 'why does he make me feel this way if he is my nemesis?' internally laughing at herself.

Meanwhile Sol woke up 'I have to get Luna something for our date, but what hmm?.. I know a rose Luna loves those!' a smile crossed the hero's face.

It's the evening, Sol got the clearance to enter Luna's prison cell because his reputation has grown, "Hey Eclipse" "Oh stop it, hehe, I haven't done anything bad yet, please sit" Sol sat down next to his best friend. Luna's n Sol's eyes met and couldn't look away from each other "So uh, how has your day been?" Luna nervously asked "Pretty good, I saved someone from jumping off a building" "Classic hero move huh?" Luna laughed at Sol, "Yeah you could say that, I got you something" "What? A punch to the face?" "Maybe later" he pulled out a rose and put it in her hair, Luna felt the rose with her forehead and blushed "S-sol how did you know?" "Oh Luna I know everything about you" hugging her and she hugged back "I forgot about that" "So when are you planning an Eclipse attack?" "You'll have to find out like everyone else" evilly smiling.

The Warden came to find Sol and Luna laying on bed giggling together "Alright time is up" Luna got mad but didn't want to receive a punishment "Bye Sol until next time" "Goodbye my love" blowing kisses to her then left.

Luna woke up the next day and read the news paper article *Nova Flare and the Eclipse are lovers?* 'oh well I guess our secret is out' she walked through the prison to her job and found a ton of eyes looking at her "You aren't even a real villain" one inmate said to her "I am more of a villain than you are!" She replied then made her way to the kitchen and started to make breakfast, 'this is so exhausting, now I really have the desire to take over the Celestials' she finished making breakfast for the Prison and went back to her cell.

Luna took a nap and was abruptly awaken by a correctional officer "Get up inmate!" "What?" "Court day" 'shit...' the CO shackled Luna and took her to a transportational vehicle that drove her to the courthouse, Sol and Luna saw each other on opposing sides of the isle once again reminding them of their positions, the court ruled out that Luna was guilty on all charges and her heart sank 'I should've seen this coming' she was halled back to eternity, then went to bed slightly crying.

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