New mentor

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Ton-618 was searching for a new apprentice "Hmm, who is strong but also smart and powerful" he searched and thought of Eclipse a couple of times "No she's too emotional... And has that Nova Flare watching over her" then he looked at the other candidates for a while "She will have to do."

Meanwhile, Luna was lost in her own mind in prison 'How am I going to rule the Celestials if I can't even rule myself? I'm a failure...' she covered herself in embarrassment 'If only someone could teach me.'

A day later Ton-618 broke Luna out of Eternity "Hello Eclipse I am your new master" she saw the black giant infront of her "Really? Great" smiling at him "What is my first command?" "Escape prison with me" "Okay, follow me master" Luna and Ton-618 escaped to outside "Eclipse bring me to your lair" "Can you fly?" "Yes, of course" she flew away and Ton-618 was behind her "Here we are my Lunaire" "Lunaire?" "It's a combination of two words Lunar and lair" "Wow you are certainly creatively mad aren't you" "Yes I am, do you want a tour of my evil Lunaire?" "Sure Eclipse" her face warmed up.

After Luna gave Ton-618 a tour of her lair he posed to her a question "Did you know about me before I came" "Yes, you are the most respected villain on the Celestials, why wouldn't I?" "Hmm, you're rather strong too" "Really? All I can do is eclipse people" "Exactly, anyone no matter their size can be overtaken by you" "Only for a brief moment yes, the bigger and stronger they are, harder it is for me to eclipse them" "Nova Flare is somewhat small, why can't you eclipse him?" "I would if I could, he is powerful and charming, simply his influence and magnitude is stronger than mine" "Charming? Are you in love or something? Even after he dumped you?" "To be honest yes, he is the only hero or Light Hemispheran who is kind and gentle to me, and I'll let you in on a secret we never broke up, that was just something so people would take us seriously as a hero and villain" "You really are still dating?" "Well... Sol and Luna are dating not Nova Flare and the Eclipse, we try to keep our careers and personal lives separate"

Ton-618 came up with an idea to drive a wedge between Sol and Luna "So could Ton-618 and Eclipse date?" "If you're into the Master of Shadows? Yes" "I most certainly am, I love your evil" "Let's do it then we'll be partners in crime, we will take over the Light Hemisphere together muahaha" "Hahah yes, would you like to come to my base and meet my henchmen?" "Most definitely, I'd like to expand my inventory" "You're not taking my men!" He said sternly, "We'll see about that eheheh" grinning, "Come on let's go" "Will do sir" she followed him down to his Dark Hemispheran base "Wow, this place is gigantic" "Indeed Eclipse, maybe one day you'll rule it all" "Not a maybe, definitely" "Grand schemes you have" "It's for a good reason" "Tell me" "I was bullied and ostracized all of my adolescent years, I want brutal revenge" "How are you going to get your revenge?" "Take over the light hemisphere and make my enemies suffer" "Can I help? The Light Hemispherans are my enemies too" "One problem, this is my dream, you can be in it, but I'm leading" "Not a problem Eclipse" "Good, assemble your men for an important announcement"

10 minutes later, Ton-618's men assembled in front of him "Today I bring you my new apprentice, The evil Eclipse!" Luna stepped out on the stage, "Today will forever change your lives, I am Tonzantila's newest right hand, I'll bring strength and control to this organization!" Promising to the men. They all boomed and clapped in unison. Ton-618 came back to the center stage "You are all dismissed until your next assignment."
Luna and Ton walked out to his office "So... what's our next mission?" Luna asked, "Send a rival into bankruptcy" "And that is?" "Phoenix A Star, I need you to sneak in his headquarters and bring back vital information, I know you are good at hiding in the shadows" "Indeed, will do master" she nodded her head.

Luna snuck into Phoenix's headquarters and stole his data and replaced it with a fake, she returned to her master's base, she slightly bowed in respect "Here you go" she handed it to him, "You are excused" "Master wait, teach me some villainous skills" "Later, Eclipse, I have business to attend to," Luna with agitation in her voice "The ONLY reason why I agreed to go underneath your wing is to learn how to be a competent villain, if you won't I will leave you" "Well, you are already displaying competency by demanding what you want" "I know sir, but now I want to know how to fight and slay heroes, Nova Flare always defeats me, I don't know if it's destiny or poor fighting" "Alright Luna, I'll give you one lesson every day" "Ton no, only Sol and Nico can call me by that name" Ton-618 nods in agreement.

Luna and Ton-618 walked to the training field "Your aggression and killer instinct is already up to par, but you don't know how to channel it" "I know, so let's get to it" "You see my fist, when it opens up to my palm I want you to hit it with all of your might, also it's going to move fastly around, use your anger to achieve it" "Yes master!" Luna looked at Ton's hand with hyperfocus and tried to have her rage and sadness flow throughout her, she saw Ton's hand open up and she tried to hit it but missed "Damn..." but she went right back to her concentration, Luna saw it again and barely hit on target "Booyah!" "Again" Ton commanded, they continued the channeled aggression practice then Nova Flare showed up.

"Luna, did Tonzantila kidnap you?!" very concerned for her safety, "No Sol, he's my new master, he is going to make me stronger than you" smiling at her nemesis and clenching her fist in front of him, "You were neglectful of Eclipse all her life, it's too late" Ton remarked to Nova Flare, "I have never neglected Luna, she's my best friend forever, evil and all" "Master, he's right, but yes it's way too late for me to turn, now leave or fight me" "I will do neither Luna, I am bringing you back home" "Oh hell no, I am not going to that torturous cell again" "Not prison, HOME" "You are going to break the law for me?" "Well, it isn't the policy but I have the ability to bend the law for noble purposes now," Ton already left to not gain attention and get back to work, 'Sol is still showing this kindness even now?' "And how would that be a noble thing?" "Giving rehabilitation to a criminal like you, we can go now if you want" "Uh sure?" Sol and Luna traveled discreetly to their old house.

Luna walked to her old bedroom "Wow, it's like I never left" "I asked Mom and Dad to keep it this way, incase you are released one day and redeem yourself" "That will never happen, why are you so persistent on me turning good?" "Because I miss taking care of you and being on your side" 'I really miss being with Sol in that way too' "My side? You incriminated me and let the world treat me like a monster" "Yes, that was my mistake, I will never let that happen again, I am currently working on getting you out of prison and changing how people see you" "Really?" "Yeah, now dad is at work and Moon is taking her nap" "Can I wake up my Mom?" "I don't see why not".

Luna took a stroll down the stairs to the couch where her mom was, she poked her "Mommy?" She awoke "Luna is that you?" "Yes, I'm home" Moon got up in a hurry and hugged her daughter "I haven't seen you in 6 months, are you alright? How has being a villain been?" "I am, doing okay, thanks to Sol, villainy is harsh but it suits me well" "Are you hurt?" "Very, but it's made me a stronger person" "You've turned into a beautiful woman Luna" "Being my trueself has done that" Sol came out of his old room "It's time to leave Eclipse" "Alrighty" she hugged her mother than let Sol escort her to her prison cell.

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