Cane Crazy

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A/n I'm going off of memory here!! Also I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN A WHILE. I just had no motivation hehe, please enjoy!! Jay bird over and out~


Anne Sprig and (Y/N) we're in the basement. Anne and Sprig were looking at her human stuff while (Y/N) was talking a nap.

"Whoa Anne! Look at all your stuff! What's this?" He said picking up toe nail clippers.
"Ahh I get it, torture device." He said. "That's a toe nail clipper." She said pointing at him with a tinge of disgust.
"Oh, ok, ok, sure" He said not very convinced.

"Oh! How about this? What does this do?" He said picking up a bike pump and inflating his mouth.
"It's painful!" He said but very muffled. Then he shot around the room like a deflating balloon.

The noise made (Y/N) wake up.
"Hm?" (Y/N) groaned groggily and sat up as Sprig picked up a pen.
"Oh nothing really, just looking through my stuff I have from my world." She said while patting the open floor next to her, motioning for her to come sit. With hesitation (Y/N) eventually came over and sat down.

"Also Sprig, you can keep that." She said talking about the pen.

The trio heard a bell going off.
"Kids chow time!" Hopidiah yelled from upstairs. (Y/N) groaned and walked upstairs, and then was followed by Anne and Sprig.

Hopidiah was filling up bowls with soup, while the kids Anne, Polly, and Sprig were chanting 'Time to eat!'.
"Hold on you kids, hold on." Hop pop said. They still chanted.

Hopidiah then slid bowls to everyone, Anne looked disgusted.
"Ugh! You know what? I think imma pass." She said pushing the bowl away.

"Why? Is my food not good enough for the princess?" Hopidiah asked.
"Well if I'm a princess, then your the king of bad cooking!" She said proud. Sprig dropped his spoon.
"Ohh!" Polly and Sprig said.

"Oh yeah? Well you... I..." Hop pop thought.
"What's the matter hop pop? Frog in your throat?" Anne stated.
"Oh, she got you again!" Sprig said. (Y/N) had her hands cupped over her mouth in shock.

"Oh dang it!" Hop pop angrily said throwing his spoon on the table.
"You know what, I'm gonna take a nap!" He angrily walked away.
"I don't believe this, I feed you, I house you, and this is how you repay me?" Hop pop angrily said while walked away.
"If you don't shape up soon Anne, I'm throwing you out!" Hopidiah said then slammed his bedroom door.

"Yeesh, what's his problem?" Anne asked. Then she grabbed two sides of her hair and pretended she was hop pop.
"I'm hop pop! And I cook bad, and have a temper problem!" She said making fun of him.

"That's so hop pop!" Sprig pointed out. She stood up and grabbed a cane.
"Eat you aphids, don't play with them! Elbows off the table!" She said acting like and angry old person.

"Guys this feels wrong, making fun of dad?" (Y/N) said.
"What's a little harmless fun? Plus hop pop will never know!" Sprig said.
"Wait why does (Y/N) call hop pop dad?" Anne asked.
"Cuz hop pop adopted her?" Sprig said.
"So would that make (Y/N) your aunt or something?" Anne asked.
"We think more like were siblings plus (Y/N) feels old whenever we bring that up around her." Sprig explains.
"Wait when has (Y/N) been able to talk!?" Polly asked.
"Yesterday night, I was able to get the collar off!" Anne said.
"Cool!" Polly said.
"Can you go back to acting like hop pop? It's funny!" Sprig said.
"Yeah dude!" Anne said walking closer.
"Sometimes I wonder why I even bother putting up with you at all!" She said then accidentally broke hopidiah's cane.
"Oopssies guess I don't know my own strength, right guys?" She looked at all three of their faces, their mouths were agape.
"You guys it's just one cane?" Anne asked.
"That wasn't just any cane! That was hop pop's special cane passed down from his father Hop-poppity-pop all the way from his father Hop-and-lock-drop-sopity-pop!" Sprig exclaimed.
"Ohh, you guys gotta help me! The second he find out about this he's gonna kick me out! I cannot go back to living in a cave!" Anne said.
"The nights were the hardest." She said while shuddering.
"Don't worry Anne we'll do whatever it takes to help you!" Sprig said.
"Eh, count me out." Polly deadpanned.
"POLLY!" Sprig said.
"What? I hardly know her!" Polly exclaimed.
"Would you help me for one of these?" She said holding up a snackers bar.
"Candy from another world!? Lady you got yourself a deal!" Polly said.
"Glad to hear it, now let's go save my skin!" Anne said.
Anne holds out the bottom of the cane while Sprig put the soup on it, then Polly took off her bow and rapped it around the cane. The three cheered until the top of the cane fell off.
"Okay, Maybe we can't fix it, but somebody else can? Somebody good with... Wood?" Anne questioned.
"Anne your a genius! Well just take it to Leopold Loggle, the wood Smith. He loves wood, almost a little to much." He said questioning the man.

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