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The next morning was the morning where everyone started to trickle in

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The next morning was the morning where everyone started to trickle in. I was mainly in the lobby the entire morning, greeting the guests. Last night felt like a blur because it was such a chill night. We had drinks, there was dancing and later we all just sat and talked. Of course Lorenzo left early and said he was tired but I had a feeling he hated to see me getting along with other people. In fact he hates when I succeed in any aspect of life.

I looked around the lobby to see if I could spot Lorenzo but no luck, instead his brothers and sister walked through the door.

"Kendra" I heard Jaden speak. I looked over at him and smiled.

I never liked the Durand family but Leah was my personal favourite. "Jaden, Leah and Landon, no way all three of you made it to my event."

I heard Landon chuckle as Leah screeched in excitement. She ran over and hugged me so tight to the point where I couldn't move or breathe.

"It's so good to see you" She squeezed me a little tighter. I tapped her arm as a sign for her to let me go.

She finally backed up as Landon stepped forward. "Just to make sure" he leaned over to my ear whispering, "You're aware that you invited Lorenzo here too?"

I laughed softly, "I had to invite him." He backed up as I watched Lorenzo's father walk into the lobby. Father's who had power gave me chills. I think I have a phobia of dads.

He didn't acknowledge me, just a simple head nod and he was off to his room. The Durand family all went as I was left alone in the lobby again. I sighed and checked the time. Today was the guests rest day and tomorrow was when the huge party would be held.

I walked up to the reception. "Anyone who shows up late can just go through you guys, tell them that I said hello and that I welcome them" they nodded their heads to show that they understood. "Even if I'm not present," I added. I walked away and headed straight to the elevator.

Tomorrow everyone will dress up fancy and meet at the main hall, it's something special I added to this hotel. I was exhausted and needed a good night's rest. I waited for the elevator to open and when it did Zario stood there on his phone.

"Hey jerk lookup" I teased as I walked into the elevator.

He put his phone in his pocket and shoved me a little, "Where are your manners?" He playfully rolled his eyes and smiled. He leaned onto the side and groaned.

"Did you bring a date?" I asked, paying attention to him.

He slightly smiled and that was the reaction I was looking for. My mouth dropped open as I let out a loud gasp, "NO WAY! You totally brought a girl with you."

He nodded his head, "I did bring a girl with me."

I slapped his arm and frowned at him, "You failed to mention her to me. I want to meet her right now" I was so excited for him.

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