Price to pay

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Max's POV:

I sat on the bus, wondering what to do about Amelie and her bitch of a friend Adrienne.

Who cares if I cheated on her, I always loved Amelie. In a way.

And Adrienne had no right to take her from me. She didn't even know about my affair.

I got off at my stop, and began walking to my house. I didn't get far, before I was dragged into an alley-way by some junkies.

I fought hard to keep them off, but they were strong, and they proper beat me up. I begged, not a lot, just a bit. But they didn't stop.

'Max.' A cold voice cut through the air.

'Who are you?' I hollered, wincing at the pain in my stomach.

'None of your damn business', the voice whispered in my ear, and a fist connected with my temple. I blacked out, my head ringing.


Raelyn's POV:

I rested my head on the back of the sofa in bliss.

I chewed slowly, savouring the flavour of the cupcakes.

The cupcakes were full of honey, and vanilla, and guilt.

I spat the cake back out.

I didn't care about the calories, I kept a healthy diet but I wasn't that bothered. No, the reason I felt guilty was because of stupid pretty Adrienne.

I'd spent an hour trying to figure out how to bake cupcakes for her. Well not for, because of. Because of her.

I wanted to give them to her, as an excuse to see her, and to make sure she was okay.

I can't bake. It's beyond me, but I tried. I was really determined for some reason. In the end I quit, and went to my mother's house.

She baked some fresh, but when she asked what for, I just told her they were for me. I didn't want her to think about who else they could be for. She might think I liked someone. Which I don't, for that matter.

Well now I'm munching on her damn cakes, Adrienne's damn cakes. I wonder if she can bake. She seems like a patient person, so she probably can. She also seems smart, so she can probably bake well.
I'm smart, but not patient. So no baking for me.

I sighed, hopping off of the sofa. I grabbed the plate, and began to walk towards the kitchen when my phone rang. I went to silence it, but when I saw it was my brother, I immediately answered it.

'What?' I demanded coldly, hiding my interest.

'I need your help, it's Adrienne.' He answered, panting.

Fuck. I swore under my breath, and grabbed my keys.

'Is she okay?'

'Yeah. I just remembered I have a job interview, which I'm late for. I'm running there now.'


'You were worried weren't you?' He snickered.

I could just imagine his awful smug grin on the other side of the line.

'Absolutely not. Also, what do you want from me?' I questioned, opening the front door as quietly as possible. It clicked, and I flinched.

'Got you. Don't pretend to be so heartless, Rae. I need you to come and look after her. She doesn't want to leave.'

'Classic Adrienne. I'm on my way.' I sighed.

'No, you don't get it. Something came up, she's scared to leave.' I glared at the phone.

'Yeah, got that. Bye weirdo.' I hung up, and turned on the ignition.


I knocked on the door, and stared the wall down until someone answered. They didn't and I felt stupid for knocking on my own front door.

I opened it and glanced around. There was some shitty music coming from the kitchen.

I got there partially blocking my ears, and stared at Adrienne.

She was sitting on the island with a big bowl in her arms. She was licking batter off of her fingers, and grinning up at me. She was wearing my pyjamas.

'If I leave and close my eyes and make a wish, will you be there when I come back?' I asked, frustrated.

'You'd never wish for me to leave. I'd honestly much rather you wish for chocolate chips. You've ran out.' She hopped off the counter and handed me the bowl.

'Never had any to begin with', I put down the bowl, confused.

'I'm baking.' She stated, like it was the most unimaginable thing in the world.

'Yeah, we had the same idea apparently.' I scoffed.

I looked down at her. Clearly, she could bake. Well maybe she couldn't. I'd have to decide that when the cookies were done. She was wearing another one of my shirts, and boxer shorts. God. I ripped my eyes off of her ass.

She jumped back on the counter, and sat there, swinging her legs about.

'I'll teach you.'

'No thanks.' I said, grabbing her by the waist and lifting her effortlessly off of the island. 'No sitting besides the food preparation.'

I carried her bridal style to the couch, and dumped her on it. As I did so, my stomach lit up, with some kind of weird heat.

'You're gonna have to finish the cookies then.' She grinned, prodding me with a wooden spoon.

I snatched it. 'Absolutely not.'



'Prove it.'

I glared at her. She gave me a cocky smile. God she's beautiful. Nope. Shut up Raelyn.

I swatted her with the wooden spoon and she laughed, trying to get away.

I went back to the kitchen to assess the situation, and was faced with a bowl of unfinished cookie dough.

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