Rain and tears

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I ran through the streets of New York, with tears streaming down my face. I didn't stop at the red lights, and I didn't stop at my apartment. I ran on and on, my heart pounding in my chest. I crossed a bridge, then another, raced through the winding passages, my sobs echoing in the dark.

When I finally stopped, out of breath and hysterical, I collapsed on the doorstep of a random building.

I just sat there in silence, and cried.

I'd just had the best sex humanely possible, how the hell could it have come to this?

How could she.

I spat at a leaf on the ground, imagining it was her face.

I've always been a pretty unbothered person. When people are rude, or mean to me, I just brush it off and laugh. I laughed then, sitting on my damn doorstep. I laughed so hard my lungs hurt.

I hadn't laughed in front of Raelyn Greyhound. Hell, I hadn't even cried. I'd just nodded, and walked right out the front door.

Now I laughed, and cried. Anyone passing would have thought I was crazy. Maybe they'd be right.

I don't get why I'm so pissed off with her. Maybe it's the lack of care, I mean at leasts prostitutes get paid right? I was comparing myself to a prostitute. Gosh.

I pulled my phone out, praying for no water damage. Luckily there was none. I'm a broke college student, I can't afford this shit.

Twelve missed calls. For some dumb reason my face heated up.


Thank goodness for that. I don't think I'd have had the power to speak to Raelyn. I'd just fold with her words, and become her toy again.

I called Amelie back, and she answered, worried.

I forgot to mention, I share my apartment with her. We're not just friends since being roommates though, we've been inseparable since childhood.

'Are you okay Adrienne? I was so worried when you didn't answer.'

'Yeah I'm okay.' I snuffled.

'Liar.' Ironic that she'd say that, right after I'd been railed for that exact reason.

'Come home. I'll put on a movie and.. we'll figure whatever it is out. Okay?'

'Yeah okay.' I stood up, wiping my eyes.


I hung up and trudged back home.

When I opened the door to my apartment, I was pulled into a tight hug.

I just stood in the doorway feeling numb, until she pulled me inside. Amelie made sure I was comfy on the sofa, before bringing me a cup of hot cocoa and some biscuits.

We watched Modern Family until I fell asleep.


Raelyn POV:

I felt shit. I'd iced Adrienne out. I panicked, because I was feeling something weird. I could see it hurt her when she left, her face fell, and she had those lines between her eyebrows. The lines people have when they're dealing with something bad.

When she left, I sat in bed and thought about her. How absolutely breathtaking she was, well her body was. And her voice, and even her smile.
I didn't need her.
But for some reason, now that she'd gone, I felt empty inside.


I tried to get some sleep, but every time I closed my eyes, an image came to mind.

An image of her, crying on her own. Hurt and confused.

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