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Adrienne's POV:

As I watched Raelyn leave the ring once more, I felt a mix of relief and anger.

She'd won, but how much longer would she have to endure this?

I left Matt, and raced backstage, ignoring his calls.

Making my way through the wings, I heard a whimpering coming from a little further on.

I sped up, running towards the sound.


'Adrienne.' She was sitting with her back against the wall, sobbing.

Raelyn Greyhound was crying.

'Come here.' I soothed, settling down next to her and embracing her.

'You can hate me. I'm dangerous.' She whispered.

'The day I hate you will be the day the moon stops shining.' I murmured, resting my head on her shoulder.

She lifted my face to meet hers, and I kissed her. It was different to before.
Instead of feeling a rush of desire, the kiss felt intimate, and personal. She wasn't desperately biting my lips, instead savouring the taste. I pulled her to me and we just sat there holding each other for a moment, her tears mixing with my lipstick.

She kissed my forehead once more, and I felt like nothing mattered, nothing but her lips and mine, her and I.


Raelyn and I were lying in her double bed. It was late, and I was just happy to be close to her.

Months had past since the her last fight. Apparently, she'd come to some kind of agreement with the gamesman. She'd paid him off to let her free. She promised me that she'd never lay a hand on anyone again.

Everything was perfect. The autumn leaves were beginning to wilt, and an orange and gold tapestry adorned the trees of the park.

I'd began work in a bakery, and I loved my job more than anything. Raelyn and I were dating, and it was obvious that she was making some kind of effort to work through her issues.

I'd be in the bakery from 5 am to 6 pm, then I'd close up, and walk home. I'd see Raelyn on weekends, and sometimes when she'd surprise me at my apartment.

As I fell asleep in Raelyn's arms, I realised how beautiful life really was.


Today was chilly. I was wrapped up warm, in a wooly sweater and the scarf I stole from Raelyn.

On my way home from the bakery, I stopped a minute in the park. I watched as people walked by, carrying their kids, and the dogs sniffed around at the bins and the trees.

I was getting cold, so I got up, but something caught my eye. Matt was walking through the park, talking angrily into his phone. I was just going to let him pass and mind my own business when I heard him mention Raelyn's name.

Probably some family feud, I sighed, distracting myself from the heated conversation.

'You could have at least told me and Adrienne.' I looked up quickly, and caught Matt's eye. He looked surprised, and spoke into the phone more calmly before walking over to me.

'Hey Adri.'

'Matt? What's going on?' I questioned him, wrinkling my eyebrows.

'Nothing much. Raelyn wanted to get a puppy. I- I thought she should have told us first before deciding.' He chuckled nervously.

'Matt she hates dogs.' I glared at him.

'Look, maybe just talk it over with her. It's not my place to say.'

'Matt please, you're worrying me.'

'Just talk to her. I've got to run.' He rushed off, waving an awkward goodbye.

I felt tears brim in my eyes. Raelyn was lying to me about something. But what?

I was determined to find out.
I called her that night, and asked her if everything was alright. She answered like her usual self, and it just pissed me off more.

The next day, I called in sick at my job, and tracked Raelyn down.

When she called a cab, I quickly hailed another and got in.

'Follow the cab in front, please.'

'Yes ma'am.'

We sped through the streets for what seemed like hours, until we left altogether.
Arriving at the stadium, I felt my heart sink into my stomach.

I watched Raelyn greet the man at the door like he was her best buddy.
I thanked the driver, asking him to wait for a few minutes. He agreed, opening the door for me.

I walked up to the arena, and smiled at the bouncer. He clearly recognised me from last time, and he opened the door for me.

I went in, ignoring the stench of beer and vomit.

It was as dark as the previous time, as the stadium was fully closed, and only illuminated by torchlight.

As I approached the main section, the excited chatter of the crowds met my ears.

I found a seat by the front, and looked up at the scoreboard.

V. Hartley - •
N. Brown- •
R. Greyhound - •
M. Ilias - •

Match 1: V.Hartley; R.Greyhound
Match 2: N.Brown; M.Ilias
Match 3: survivor 1; survivor 2

The first horn sounded, and R Greyhound made her way to the ring.

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