Best friends. (🪄🕊️)

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(highschool au and a bit of elpm)

Millie had always known that she was different from the other girls in her high school. While they talked about boys and fashion, she found herself daydreaming about a girl named Elira. Elira was smart, mature, and beautiful. Millie had fallen hard for her, but she knew that she could never be with her. Elira was out of her league, and she had a crush on someone else anyway.

Enna was Millie's best friend. They had been inseparable since they were little. Enna was stubborn and kind of mean, but she had a soft spot for Millie. She knew that Millie had a crush on Elira, and she always supported her, even though she had a crush on her too.

One day, Millie decided to tell Enna about her crush on Elira. She was nervous, but she knew that Enna would understand. "Enna, I have to tell you something," Millie said as they walked home from school. "I have a crush on Elira."

Enna stopped in her tracks and looked at Millie. "I know," she said. "And it's okay. I support you."

Millie was surprised. She had expected Enna to be jealous or upset, but she was being supportive. "Thank you," Millie said, feeling relieved.

Days passed, and Millie couldn't help how she felt about Elira. She saw her in the hallways, in class, and in her dreams. But Elira was always talking to Pomu, the girl she had a crush on. Millie knew that she didn't stand a chance.

One day, Millie was sitting alone at lunch when Elira approached her. "Hey, Millie, can I sit here?" Elira asked.

Millie's heart skipped a beat. "Sure," she said, trying to keep her cool.

Elira sat down and started talking to Millie about school and their classes. Millie couldn't believe that Elira was actually talking to her. But then Pomu walked by, and Elira's attention turned to her.

Millie felt a pang of jealousy as she watched Elira talk to Pomu. She knew that Elira had a crush on her, but she couldn't help how she felt. She wanted Elira to notice her, to see how much she cared.

Enna noticed that Millie was upset and asked her what was wrong. "I just can't stop thinking about Elira," Millie said, tears in her eyes. "But she has a crush on Pomu, and I don't stand a chance."

Enna put her arm around Millie. "You never know, Millie," she said. "Maybe Elira will see how amazing you are and fall for you too."

Millie smiled weakly, grateful for Enna's support. But deep down, she knew that it was unlikely.

Days turned into weeks, and Millie tried to move on from her crush on Elira. But every time she saw her, her heart skipped a beat. She knew that she didn't stand a chance, but she couldn't help how she felt.

One day, Elira approached Millie in the hallway. "Hey, Millie," she said, smiling. "I wanted to talk to you about something."

Millie's heart raced as she looked at Elira. "What is it?" she asked voice almost stuttering.


(end of part 1 part two will be posted after a while sorry ("TT) school got in the way but this is all for now.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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