LOG DATE - April 12th 2023

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Incident report

New incident report. We took subject CHASE outside to the pen to run the monthly agility test.

He had passed with flying colors, with a speed of 12 miles per hour when sprinting and a leap of 23 inches off the ground. But what we didn't know is that a fox broke into the pen and it nearly mauled CHASE. It was only after we patched up his physical injuries that he started showing unusual signs in behavior. 

Symptoms include muscle cramps, muscle fatigue, unprovoked fear, nausea, vomiting, excessive drooling, foaming at the mouth, unprovoked aggressiveness and stiffness. We are now treating him for rabies and putting him under quarantine and heavy surveillance. 

He is being held in a cell with a glass wall so others may visit and check on him. Subject ARGENT is currently his #1 visitor, as they were practically inseparable before the incident. We are unable to let ARGENT in the cell in fear of her health and safety due to CHASE attempting to lunge at her when she's near.

Updates will be provided weekly and when requested. 

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