New Memories in Oriental Village

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Oriental Village is a vibrant and bustling community located in the heart of Seaside Island. The village is inspired by traditional Chinatowns found in major cities around the world, but with a distinct Mobian twist.

The narrow streets are lined with colorful lanterns, red and gold banners, and intricate paper cutouts hanging from the storefronts. The aromas of spicy noodles, steamed buns, and roasted duck fill the air, drawing in hungry visitors from all over the island.

As visitors walk through the streets, they can admire the ornate architecture of the buildings, with their curved roofs and intricate carvings. Each building has its own unique design, with bright colors and patterns adorning the walls and doorways.

It's a place of attraction for visitors but not for Amy. Amy felt a sense of unease as she and Sonic approached the street of Oriental Village. This was the place where she had suffered a terrible tragedy in her past, and she wasn't sure if she was ready to confront those memories.
Sonic noticed her hesitation and put his hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay, Amy?"

Amy took a deep breath and nodded. "I'm fine. It's just... this place brings back a lot of painful memories."

Sonic nodded understandingly. "I know it's hard, but sometimes it's good to face our fears. Maybe we can make some new memories here, together."

Amy smiled weakly. "Okay. Let's do it."

They walked through the streets of the village, taking in the sights and sounds. They stopped at Mei-Ling Lee's restaurant and decided to try some of her food. Mei-Ling welcomed them warmly and served them her signature hot pot. The food was spicy but delicious, and they complimented Mei-Ling on her cooking skills.

After they finished their meal, Mei-Ling asked them if they wanted to learn how to make Chinese dumplings. Amy's eyes lit up at the suggestion, and Sonic agreed to give it a try.

Mei-Ling showed them how to make the dumpling dough and filling, and they worked together to create small, delicate dumplings. Amy was a natural at it, and soon they had a plate of perfectly steamed dumplings.

As they ate their dumplings, they talked with Mei-Ling about life in the village. She told them about the other locals, including Jian-Xin Zhang, a calligrapher who often displayed his work at the local gallery.

Sonic was intrigued and asked Mei-Ling to take them there. When they arrived at the gallery, Jian-Xin was in the middle of writing a new piece of calligraphy. Sonic watched in fascination as he dipped the brush into the ink and carefully wrote each character.

Jian-Xin noticed them watching and smiled warmly. "Welcome to my gallery. Would you like to try writing with a brush and ink?"

Sonic eagerly accepted the offer, and Jian-Xin showed him how to hold the brush and control the strokes. Amy watched with amusement as Boom Sonic struggled to write the characters properly.

After they finished, Jian-Xin gifted them each a small piece of his calligraphy. "May it bring you good luck and fortune," he said.

They continued their tour of the village, stopping at Emily White's pottery studio and Tyler Johnson's woodworking shop. Emily showed them her beautiful creations, including a vase that Amy couldn't resist buying.

Tyler showed them his latest furniture design, a beautiful coffee table with intricate carvings. Sonic was impressed by his skill and asked him how he learned to create such detailed work.

"I learned from my father," Tyler replied. "He was a carpenter before me, and he taught me everything I know."

As they left the village, Amy couldn't help but feel grateful for Sonic's company. She had been so scared to come back here, but with his support, she had been able to face her fears and make new memories.

"Thank you for coming with me today, Sonic," she said, smiling up at him.

"Anytime, Amy," he replied, grinning back at her. "I'm always here for you."

Hope you like my first Oriental village Sonamy boom fanfic

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