Chapter 19 - Harry

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"Tom didn't say anything about a meeting," Niall says on the way back from lunch. "I didn't receive a text."

I frown at both mine and Louis's phones. Only the two of us got that text saying we have to meet back in the hotel in an hour. That stupid bastard didn't even put a password on his phone.

I smirk, stupid bastard. Idiot doesn't have his phone locked, that means I can- no. I shouldn't. I should respect his privacy.

But I'm so tempted to see what's on his phone, god knows. I wanna see who he texts the most, probably Eleanor. We hardly text anyways. I want to go through his browser history, yeah, that'd be great. I wonder what he searches for anyways.

"He sent Louis one too," I tell Niall.

Niall makes a face and lifts and eyebrow. "I should probably write this on my-"

I put up a hand to silence him. "Don't wanna know," I say. "Just tell me what do you think this meeting's about."

"You, Louis, just now?" Niall is back on his phone, going on twitter. "Look, the hashtag larrykiss is trending. What the fuck du-"

"Let me see," I grab his phone and scroll through the hashtags. Indeed, #larrykiss is trending worldwide. I click on the hashtag, and hundreds of pictures start popping up.

Niall laughs.

I silence him with my hand again. "Quit being a dick and tell me what is going on?"

Niall groans. "I want my phone back, mate. Need to switch accounts and keep it trending."

"What are you talking about?" I push him away and Niall just laughs again.

"You were supposed to be the nice guy," Niall pouts, but I can tell that he's trying to suppress a grin behind his eyes.

Pictures of me and him floods the feed. We're holding hands in one picture, then kissing in the next. Most pictures look like they were taken from the pool just now, of course, I'm well aware of the paparazzi there, but we never kissed. As much as I wanted to, we never kissed.

I read some of the tweets. One tweet caught my eye. It said that we did make out in the deep end, before Eleanor came barging in to steal him away. That's half true, though, about the Eleanor part. I did feel that she was trying to steal him away, but then again, he isn't mine so there's nothing I can fucking do about it, there's nothing to steal. He is hers and she is his, that's how it has always been.

I read a few more. Most of them were about how we kissed, and oh god, I try to avoid reading the details, but the things these girls write, god, I wish they are true.

I want to splash around with Louis in the pool before being pulled to the deep end so we can have our alone time. I want to hold Louis's waist and kiss him till his back arches. I want him to take my fucking fedora and try to climb out of the pool with it because he knows that I'm just going to pull him down and kiss him just to get him distracted so I can get my hat back. I want him to pull me under water so we can fucking kiss in privacy. I want to tease him about his height but then make him feel better by sitting him on the edge, so that he can kiss the top of my head, making him feel a little taller.

Niall snatches his phone back. "Go look at your own phone, loser. I need to update my blog."

"You have a blog?" I put my hands up in defense. "You know what? Don't answer that. I don't want to know about the kinky shit you write about."

Niall rolls his eyes. "I'm the captain of the fucking ship. Kinky shit is my thing."

I don't ask him what he means by that. In fact, I don't want to know.

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