Chapter 44 - Louis

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The crowd is wild tonight, as always. Tonight is the start of our fourth tour, another busy year. 

"Sydney!" Liam shouts into his microphone. The fans in the crowd shouts. 

I spot Sarah in the front, and I immediately look at Harry, who is already waving at her. He'll get it later. 

Sarah gives me a small smile too, but I ignore her. We start singing our songs, starting with Clouds. I almost forget my solo but Niall reminds me with a nudge. My mind is clouded. So many things had happened this week and I can't catch on. 

I almost forget my next solo until someone throws something on stage and it hits me in the head. I pick it up, and sing my solo. It's a stuffed bear. More specifically, it israinbow coloured and is wearing some kinky bondage gear. I set it down next to me and look at the fan who threw it. Sarah and I make eye contact, and she pointed to the bear. What is she playing at? 

We continue to sing, and Liam and I get into a water fight. Harry does his own little jig off in the corner of the stage. I wish I could be there with him, like our first tour, and just dance, and sing, and fool around. Of course, Tom will never let us do that, but I want to. We used to be so close, in public, and now, now, when I finally have him, when we're finally a couple, they won't let us. 

Liam reads out a few signs, and I pick up the bear again. It's adorable, despite the kinky stuff it's wearing. I pat it and set it on my lap. Sarah hinted that she threw it onto stage, although I'm not too sure. Why, though? 

Harry sits next to me and takes a sip of water out of his water bottle. 

"What have you got there?" he asks. 

"We're not supposed to talk to each other on stage," I say, gritting my teeth and pretending to smile and wave at some fans. 

"But Tom said I couldn't kiss you," Harry smirks. 

My eyes widen as he leans forward and presses his lips to mine. The rainbow bear is pressed between us. It was a quick kiss, but nevertheless, a kiss is still a kiss. 

The arena erupts in screams. Everyone goes wild. Even Liam stopped singing. 

No. No no no no no no no. NO. 

He... he shouldn't have done that. What have he done?! Tom would be furious- he'll tear us apart further. No. I don't want that to happen. I don't want to go on any more fake dates. I don't want to lose Harry to Sarah, or any one else they set him up with. Pretending we're not together is easier than having to go out on fake dates every night. 

I push Harry away. "What are you doing?" Everyone is still screaming. No. 

"I'm kissing yo-"

I stand up and shake my head, backing away from him slowly. The song still goes on. Zayn sings his high note and that makes the screams go louder. It's pounding in my head, everything is spinning, I can't breathe-

The song finishes and everyone goes backstage for a wardrobe change. We have another hour to go. I can't do this anymore. 

Anxiety builds up inside of me as I think of all the horrible things Tom will make me do. He'll make me deny our relationship. We'll stay in different hotels. We'll even fly on different planes, dates. We... we won't even see each other anymore, except when we're on stage or during interviews. Heck, he'll even split our interviews. Why did Harry do that? Didn't he think about the consequences? 

I scream in rage and throw the bear at the wall, sliding down onto the floor in the small cubicle. I bury my head in my hands and take a deep breath. 

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