Chapter 38 - Louis

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"You're alright. Just a mild case of alcohol poisoning. You should be more careful," the paramedic says to me.

"You call this mild?" I croak. "I've thrown up at least seven times! You call that mild?"

"It could have been worse," she says, cleaning the needle.

I glare at her.

"Don't you give me that look, superstar. Kids like you always gettin' into trouble with the drinkin'" she packs up her bottles and medical supplies. "Always gettin' into all sorts of trouble, wastin' your money."

"I got drugged," I narrow my eyes. "It was out of my control."

"What ever you say, honey," the bitch of a paramedic says. "Remember to take your meds. You should be on vocal rest, but like I said, it's not too severe. Tell you what, get some rest, and if you're feelin' better, you can perform," she says.

"Thanks," I grunt and stare up at the ceiling. She leaves and the lads come in, and Harry sits on the edge of my bed, taking my hands in his.

"How are you feeling, love?" he asks, gently tracing the tattoos on my wrists.

"Much better," I say, sniffing. "I've got nothing left to puke."

Harry smiles sadly and nods. "I'm glad you are. Feeling better, that is."

"I'm sorry about, well, for what I did just now. It's not something I'm proud of," I stare at our intertwined fingers. His hands are so large compared to mine. He looks like a tough guy, ready to beat shit up if need to, but instead, he's so gentle all the time. A fucking angel. I don't deserve him.

"It wasn't you, Lou. It's not your fault."

"I'm sorry I tried to strangle you. I... I don't know wh-what I was doing. I just felt so angry all of a sudden, and-"

"It's alright, love. You didn't hurt me," Harry cuts me off. He looks behind him, at the girl he brought back, and nods. "This is Sarah."

"I know," I say, forcing a small smile. I hope she isn't too freaked out at what happened. I... I cannot deny the fiery rage burning at the pit of the stomach right now. Part of me wishes it's the drugs, although I know it isn't.

I know Harry. I know that he treats everybody the way they should be treated. I know that he's kind to everyone he meet. I know that he's been nice to her too. I cannot help but feel jealous. He looked genuinely happy in the pictures I saw- his smile was real. There's always that sparkle in his eyes whenever he's happy, and it's good that he is, just not without me. I want him to be happy, but I want to be around so I can laugh with him, smile with him, share those happy moments with him. I'm selfish, I know, but he's all I have right now. He always knows what to do, and he'll never hurt me, not intentionally, that is. I trust him, and I will always root for him, for us. I don't want to lose all this. It's all too precious, yet too vulnerable, at the same time.

"She's a fan," Harry continues, guiding my chin up so that we can look each other in the eyes. No lies, just truths. "She roots for us," he breaks into a grin and the corners of his eyes crinkle. My limbs go weak and my stomach turn to mush. I still can't believe he still has this kind of effect on me, even during my roughest times.

"Th-that's good," I stutter. "I'm sorry I called you a bitch," I apologise.

"It's fine. I'd do the same if I were you," she says. That eases the tension, only a little. I want to trust her, to trust Harry, but I'm afraid of the possibilities that might happen if I do. She might be our downfall. I might lose Harry because of her.

"No way," Niall grins. "We're going to get along so well."

"That is if you show me their sex tape," Sarah nudges Niall in the ribs and he bursts into laughter.

"Not yet, love. I don't think they've done it yet," Niall whisper-shouts back.

"What, really?" Sarah looks shocked. "They haven't shagged yet? You mean they-"

"We actually just started," Harry says, giving my hand a squeeze. "Dating. We just started."

I curl my toes and look away. "Yeah." Despite the fact that she roots for us, and that she's a fan, I still don't want to get too comfortable with her. She just can't come into our lives like that, go out on fake dates with the love of my life, become Niall's sailor buddy or whatever you call that, and hang around us like we've been best friends since kindergarten. That's absurd.

"Cool, but you two totally had crushes on each other, right?" she asks.

I stare at my feet.

"Actually, yeah," Harry starts. "I was always too shy and-"

"And maybe, you should mind your own goddamn business," I snap. It's definitely not the drugs. This one's all me.

"Lou," Harry looks at me with concerned eyes.

"Can you just leave already? Go chat with Niall for a bit, maybe? I don't feel so well," I say, gritting my teeth. "I want to be alone with Harry for a while," I pick at my nails.

"Oh, right. Of course," Sarah says, nodding enthusiastically. "I'd love to hang with Niall, have a beer. That alright with you?"

"O'course," Niall grins, and heads outsides, Sarah and Liam trailing after him.

"Lou, babe, what's wrong?" Harry asks, as soon as they're out of earshot.

I rub my eyes and look away. "I don't want her barging into our private lives like that."

"I know, Lou, but I think she can help us. She's very smart, she's a psychologist major and-"

"I don't care," I cross my arms and close my eyes.

Harry says nothing.

"I needed you, Harry. I felt so fucking lonely the minute you left me, to go on that stupid staged date. I know I sound overly attached but but I can't stand not being with you. I've grown on you, Harry. I felt so empty, so meaningless when you're not by me. And the pictures, the media, taunting, only made it worse."

"I'm sorry," Harry says. "I really am."

"See that's the thing, Harry. It's not your fault. It's theirs. Playing us, treating us like one of their puppets. I can't stand being controlled, being part of a stupid game, a facade. I feel fucking terrible, Harry. It kills me to know that I can't be with you."

"I know, love. I know. I'm sorry that you feel that way."

"You're an angel, you know that, don't you?" I tug at his wrists, bringing his hands to my lips. I kiss his knuckles, one by one. "I don't deserve you."

"But I choose you. Whether you deserve me or not, I fucking choose you, Louis William Tomlinson," Harry mumbles, scooting closer to me. He places his hand on either sides of my shoulders and slowly bring his lips down, meeting mine halfway.

"I'm so lucky to have you," I sigh. "So damn lucky."

He moves his lips against mine, lovingly and full of passion. He sucks on my lower lip and smiles. "I'm lucky too. We're both lucky."

"It's a wonderful feeling, huh?" I kiss him once more, my eyelids fluttering shut. "Falling in love over, and over again?"

"Yeah. It is."

a/n: I hope you liked this chapter! Please comment and vote if you did. idk if wattpad would flag me if I include smut in this story or not haha ;) xoxo


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