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Originally Clark and Diana were here to speak with Bruce about a meeting he had missed. Just a couple of hours ago , usually the billionaire isn't late to important meetings . So here they both are in front of Wayne manor, slightly startled when it opened, revealing Alfred. Instead of saying anything the man let two in , telling them both he'll be right back, before disappearing into the kitchen once more.

"What was that?"

"What was what Clark?"

"I heard giggling? It's coming from Bruce's study."

" Do you think he has a child here?"

Instead of answering, Clark makes his way to said study with Diana behind him. He opens the door slightly and looks at the sight Infront of them. A giggly Bruce Wayne wearing a soft fuzzy duck onesie with matching socks and a orange pacifier in his mouth. The baby bat has this sleepy look in his eyes, as he plays with a stuffed turtle( "Mr. Jelly" the soft blue turtle stuffie.), and one of those baby sensory cubes. Bruce hasn't noticed them yet , although this wasn't really a secret, the league already knew behind the mask of batman was man that has a adorable soft side to him. But sometimes with how serious he is , the others forget he's a toddler or baby sometimes as a way to cope with things. They didn't know Alfred was behind until he spoke, actually startling both of them.

" he does look more at ease with himself like this , yes "

And as soon as Alfred spoke , the little one looks up at his papa smiling happily. Well smiling behind his paci, not really taking notice to the other two adults behind his father/caregiver. Alfred walks over to Bruce, kneeling slightly and takes the pacifier only to replace it with a see through blue sippy cup of angel milk. Slipping the pacifier in his pocket to get cleaned. Later.

" Tommy darling, it seems your friends miss Diana and mister Clark have came to visit you. Won't you say hi?"

Bruce makes a noise of confusion before moving his head looking pasted his papa to his friends. His baby blues widen with excitement, making little happy toddler noises. Diana smiles her regressor friend and slowly walks over and kneels down to be at his sitting height. The little smiled behind his sippy crawling over to the amazonian woman, said woman gives Bruce a hug. Clark would have given him a hug first but he wanted Diana to have her moment with thier best friend first, you know Clark being nice and respectful and all.

" Oh little warrior you give the best hugs did you know that? Absolute best! "

"Indeed he does , however his specialty is being a cuddle bug "

"Really? I didn't think Bruce would be the type for cuddles "

" Oh adult Bruce isn't but baby Bruce is , he'll give cuddles anytime he feels like it or just be a cuddle bug because he simply wants to uddles you , mister Clark. Oh wait would either of you like something to drink? Coffee, tea?"

" Clark is just fine Alfred. And tea is fine , thank you. Bruce is definitely a different person when little "

" Oh nothing for me but thank you Alfred "

" Of course "

( Feel free to leave prompts/idea for this AU

☁️★Litte Bruce & Friends★☁️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon